Chapter 11

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Eight years ago

Fall in love with you. Montell Fish

"Minho, are you okay?" Jisung asked, his voice laced with concern as he gently reached out to steady Minho.

Minho blinked slowly, his eyes unfocused as he tried to process Jisung's words. "I'm fine," he slurred, though his words were barely comprehensible.

"Would you look after my guitar? I'll come pick it up tomorrow" he asked Jeongin that was standing next to him.

"Yeah sure thing, don'r worry about it"


Jisung sighed, knowing that Minho was far from fine. He wrapped an arm around Minho's waist, offering him support as they slowly made their way out of the crowded room and into a quieter area of the house.

"We need to get you some water" Jisung said, guiding Minho to a nearby couch and helping him sit down.

Minho nodded weakly, his head spinning as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Jisung hurried off to fetch a glass of water, returning moments later to find Minho still slumped on the couch.

"Here, drink this," Jisung said, offering the glass of water to Minho.

"I'm fine! I don't need your help" he blurted out but still drinking the water Jisung gave him.

"Why did you get this drunk? You know you don't hold up alcohol" Jisung asked sighing.

"Yes i do, i hold it up very well" the brunette replied, but he couldn't even keep his head straight.

"Sure you do" Jisung reeplied rolling his eyes.

"What happened to you? Why are you acting like this!?" Jisung asked for the third time that night, his voice raising a bit.

"I'm not acting like anything," Minho , his words slurring together as he struggled to focus. "I'm just...just tired of seeing you with her," he admitted looking up to Jisung's eyes.

Jisung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "With who summer?" he asked, genuinely puzzled by Minho's words but then it hit him "Oh..." he liked her, he was Jelaous.

"You're ansshole"

He smiled widely amused. "You like her don't you?" Minho shook his head vigorously, denying Jisung's accusation. "No, I don't!" he protested.

"Oh my god, you really like her"

Minho scowled, feeling embarrassed by Jisung's teasing. "I don't like her" he insisted stubbornly. He got up holding onto Jisung's arms to steady himself. They were now face to face. He looked at him staring into his eyes, completely serious.

"It's fine if you liker her" Jisung said in a small voice.

"I told you i don't" he took a step closer putting his hands on Jisung's face he looked at his lips and Kissed him. Eletric jolts igniting in his vains, along with the alcohol.

Jisung's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden kiss, his breath catching in his throat

Minho's lips lingered on his lips, trying to move them slowly. He didn't know what he was doing. Jisung hand's wrapped around Minho's waist pulling him closer, he closed his eyes surrending to the intoxicating sensation of their lips moving together. Minho's lips against his own, they tasted like lemon vodka.

But when the kiss deepened, reality began to creep back in, reminding Minho of the consequences of his actions. He pulled away, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he looked into Jisung's eyes.

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