Chapter 15

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Eight years ago

Jisung and Minho were smoking, seated on the edge of the deck, their feet dangling above the creek. They conversed about things, words were flowing easily, the sound of birds chirping and the water flowing in the background.

For a moment, they simply basked in each other's presence, the air warm, it was halfway through June. Days were starting to get longer, and so were their hangouts.

Minho swiftly stole Jisung's cigarettes, pulling it from his lips and putting it between his own.

"Hey! Give it back, you fucker!"

"Come and get it," Minho retorted, blowing out a cloud of smoke, letting the familiar taste of tobacco spread in his lungs and mouth, keeping it between his index and thumb.

He held it out for Jisung to lean in and take a puff. The proximity of their faces was dizzying and overwhelming for Minho. As much as he wanted to ignore it, he felt some kind of way, not knowing what exactly it was but he knew that he never felt that way before.

But then unexpectedly, with a soft sigh, Jisung leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Minho's in a tender kiss.

Minho pulled away, embarrassed. He remained silent for a moment, receiving a puzzled and mortified look from Jisung.

"Sorry," Jisung quickly apologized.

But the truth was that he didn't know how to kiss, and admitting it was far more embarrassing.

"Uhm... I really don't know how to kiss," Minho confessed, his cheeks flushing, eliciting a laugh from Jisung.

"Hey! Don't laugh," Minho added his face red and hot from embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry... it's really not that difficult," Jisung reassured him. "You have to part your lips, and kind of suck the other person's lip. And move them together, it should feel natural."

"How many people have you kissed?" Minho asked, curious about Jisung's experience.

"A few," Jisung returned casually.

"How many have you kissed?" he then asked back

"Once, I had a girlfriend in middle school. But I didn't get much practice; she didn't wanna do anything," Jisung chuckled shaking his head.

"And what about the other thing?" Minho continued, a faint blush still lingering on his cheeks.

"Sex?" Minho nodded avoding eye contact, his eyes roaming around everywhere but Jisung's face. God why did he ask such a question? It wasn't any his business. 

Jisung fliked his tongue "I had once. It was...mind blowing, but it didn't go very well. I don't think she liked it very much," Jisung admitted.

"I was so nervous, it wasn't how i'd imagined it, it was difficult"

"I bet you thought it was like on movies or porn" Jisung scrolled his shoulders

"I did and it was not"

"Well we will soon get to experience that don't worry"

"What makes you so sure?" Jisung asking him a teasing smirk playing on his face.

"I have no idea, but i know i will...i'll learn, just have faith in me" Jisung raised his hands in mock surrender,

"Alright if you say so" Jisung conceded with a roll of eye. He knew that in collage Minho woul've become a total player. He had those big lost puppy eyes and that shy smile that made him look so innocent and harmless. 

"By the way have you figured out what you're gonna do? Graduation is in two months," Minho changed the subject, shifting the conversation to something else entirely.

"I saved up for a bus ticket, I don't know about the rest. What about you?"

"I told you I'm going off to med school. Are you sure you don't want to go to college? There's still time to apply," Minho pressed, knowing it was a long shot.

"I already told you, college isn't for me. And also, with what money would I go to college?" Jisung replied, resigned.

"But you're coming to visit me, right?" Minho looked at him, seeking assurance. If he thought about going to college instead of excitement he felt an inexpressible sadness.

"Yes, of course. I'll come and visit you with my new band," Jisung promised, trying to lighten the mood.

Minho couldn't help but chuckle at Jisung's response, the tension easing slightly.

"Your new band, huh? I can't wait to see you up on stage, rocking out like a rockstar."

Jisung grinned, the excitement evident in his eyes. "Yeah, just you wait. We're gonna be huge, Minho. You'll see."

"I have no doubt about it," Minho replied with a smile, feeling a surge of pride for his friend's ambition. "Just promise me you won't forget about us little people when you're famous, okay?"

"Never" Jisung said, his voice earnest.

Jisung stole a glance at Minho, his heart light with anticipation for the opportunities that awaited him beyond high school. While he valued their friendship deeply, he couldn't help but feel a sense of eagerness to spread his wings and explore the world on his own terms. The thought of leaving behind the confines of their small town filled him with a sense of liberation that he couldn't quite contain.

Leaving his father behind was the best part of his plan. He didn't feel guilty or sad about it, just peace, knowing that he was miles away from him.

"Hey, let's make a promise," Minho suggested, turning to look at Jisung with determination in his eyes.

"No matter where life takes us, no matter how far apart we may be, let's always stay connected. Let's promise to never lose touch, to always be there for each other, no matter what." he hoped that in that way he could somehow know for certain that he wouldn't lose him. That no matter where life took them, their bond would always remain unbreakable.

Jisung smiled, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of Minho's words. "I promise," he said softly, reaching out to grasp Minho's hand in his own. "No matter what happens, you'll always be my best friend, Minho."

As they sat there, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, Minho stood up, offering Jisung a hand to help him to his feet. "Come on, let's go home," they retrieved their bikes from where they usually left them, at the beginning of the woods.

"Do you think i'll survive med school?" Minho had asked while they were heading home.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't you?"

"It's hard, a lot of people get lost during the way"

"I think that if that's really what you wanna do then eventually you'll get trough it, it's always worth it if you have something to fight for"

"What if mine it's not something strong enough"

"Fine, then i'll give you something to fight for" he paused and thought about it for a second 

"Got it! If you don't get trough high school I'll marry you"

"That's a bit extreme don't you think?"

"It's the motivation you need"


"I'll see you tomorrow." Minho said

"See ya!" Jiisung returned with a final wave, he turned the corner towards his house, the echoes of their laughter lingering in the evening air.


Doing the calculations about their years I figured out that it wasn't eleven years ago but 8 years

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