Chapter 10

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Eight years ago

Jelaous, Eyedress

The sky was already dark, the only thing glazing a light was the near half moon.
Minho was getting ready for the party not really knowing what to wear.
He huffed in frustration, and finally decided to put on the simplest things he had in his closet. A black sweatshirt and a pair of sweat shorts.

He fixed his hair and put on some cologne.

Jisung rang the bell some time after. Minho opened the door with a smile.
He was wearing a leather jacket and a tee with some tight black jeans, and a guitar on his shoulders Minho gulped. The high platform boots making him taller than Minho by a few inches.

"You ready?" Jisung asked


"Let's go" Jisung fixed his glasses on his nose and they started waking side by side.

"Are you mad at me?" Jisung asked after a while. Minho's lack of speech was starting to bother him. quickly squaring him from head to toe. He was wearing a pair of small black earrings that he had never noticed before.

"No, why would I be mad at you?" Minho asked with a frown. He wasn't mad, he was pissed and And an emotion that had yet to be well defined.

"You are you acting so distant?"

"I am not"

"You totally are!" Jisung insisted, and he couldn't understand what was making him

"I'm not just in the mood for a party right now"

"Well i know what can hep" Jisung said with mischievous grin

"What?" Minho asked, lifting his gaze to Jisung's face

"Alcohol, it'll make you feel loose"

"I'm not sure, I can't handle alcohol well" Minho confessed, hesitant at the idea but also tempted by the idea of forgetting his problems, if only for a while.

"You don't have to get drunk, just losen up" Jisung suggested, knowing that a drink or two could help Minho relax and enjoy himself.

"Alright, maybe a drink or two won't hurt," Minho relented, though still hesitant. He defenetly didn't want his parents to find out.

"Well we're not driving so it's fine" Jisung reassured

"Have you been to a lot of this parties?" Minho asked, becouse he wans't usually used to party. Maybe he had been more or less on a couple of occasions in his life and he was not a big fan.

"Sometimes, when i'm feeling extreamly bored, but not usually"

When they reached the house they were opened by a guy who let them in without even asking who they were, they made their way inside looking around. The house nearly packed with people.

"Hey Minho, Jisung" Jeongin greeted approacing with a glass of punch in his hand.

"Hey!" Minho felt a little relived to also find him there, he didn't really know anyone else apart from Jisung and well Summer, but he didn't really wan to have anything to do with her.

"Well i go grab a beer" Jisung announced leaving Minho in Jeongin's company.

Although the house was crowded, they had managed to make a corner in the backyard for a mini stage, with a mirophone and two speakers. Jisung hesitated for a moment, feeling out of place amidst the chaos and noise, beut then he approached the microphone getting out his guitar.

Minho reached him in the back along with Jeongin, a bottle of beer in his hand. Even though he didn't enjoy the taste, he figured out that a little bit of alcohol in his system would help him loosen up.

Jisung started playing without singing, he wasn't familiar with his voice, the guitar was his strength and didn't wanna screw it adding his voice, yet.

As Jisung strummed his guitar. He watched in awe as Jisung's fingers danced across the strings,

Jeongin leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on Jisung with a mixture of admiration and envy. "He's really good," he remarked, raising his voice to be heard over the music.

"Yeah, he is," Minho agreed. He gulped a tightening feeling rushing up in his chest, he blushed.

As the cheers died down and the crowd began to disperse, Minho couldn't help but notice the way some of the girls lingered around Jisung, their eyes bright with admiration. But that wasn't what bothered him.
Jisung approached Summer with a big smile on his face, she laughed and hit him friendly on the arm. A pang of jealousy shot through him, though he quickly pushed it aside, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Jeongin nudged him, a knowing look in his eyes. "Looks like Jisung's got a fan" he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Minho forced a smile, trying to play it cool. "Yeah" he replied, though his words felt hollow even to his own ears.

He watched as Jisung graciously accepted the compliments and praise from the girls, his smile never faltering. It was clear that he was enjoying the attention, her attention.

He glanced over at Jeongin, hoping for some reassurance, but his friend was too busy chatting up a group of girls to notice his discomfort. Sighing inwardly, Minho tried to shake off his jealousy and focus on enjoying the party.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind. And as the night wore on, he found himself growing increasingly distant, his thoughts consumed by the sight of Jisung surrounded by other people.

The party sucked, so he got drunk instead.

He went back inside dragging Jeongin with him.

"What's the strongest?"  he asked looking at the various alcohol bottles on the kitchen counter.

"Vodka?" the other guy answered scrolling his shoulders.
Minho took a little glass pouring himself some of it. He chugged it down without a second thought. He downed two more until he could no longer stand the burning in his throat and stomach.

"Slow down dude" Jeongin said taking the fourth shot out of his hands.

After 10 minutes he was completely gone. His cheeks flushed red and his mind was spinning.
He couldn't even stand straight, so Jeongin had to keep him up holding him on his shoulders.


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