Chapter 1

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Eight years ago

Minho was quietly sitting in the bleachers of the football game. He didn't wanna go actually, but he didn't want his parents to think that he didn't make any friends at his new school, so he went. People were laughing and shouting all around him, if he was at his old school he would've participated as well but now he was alone. He ate his lunch alone and he thought that maybe people were starting to call him anti-social but the truth was that he really didn't care.

He was still mad at his parents, his dad got a new job in he local police department in the suburbs of Colorado, and he had been forced to leave all his life in Chicago behind. He hadn't been out of the city in his life for more than a week in his life. He missed the city, the noises, his friends, but at least he brought his cats with him, so he wasn't completely alone.

He was extreamly bored, he the game was boring. He didn't know any of the people on the team, he watched passively trying to find it somehow interesting. He scratched his head, checked the time on his phone and decided to head back home.

He arrived in front of the school gate and started unleashing his bike.

"Hey" someone greeted taking him by surprise, he flinched

"Fuck..." he murreded under his breath. That guy had come out of nowhere, how did he miss him? He wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"Sorry" the guy apologized realizing that he had caught him off guard. Minho took some seconds to look at him he was weraring jeans and a black hoodie. He was a few inches shorted than him. His hair a little messy, his nails were painted in carchoal black and he had thick balck glasses around his eyes. Even if it the sun already set he could notice his tan skin.

The guy was holding his bike

"It's alright"

"I've never seen you before, are you new?" he asked tilking his head. Minho cleared his troath, it was the fisrt time someone approached him in his new school and he didn't know how to behave. After all it had been just one week since he transferred.

"Y-yes, yes" Minho blushed, why the hell did he stutter?

"Do you wanna go on a ride?" the guy didn't ask further information, his name or where he came from. He just took a step closer waiting for an answer.

"Uhm.." he though about it for a second then he replied "Sure" he didn't know why he had agreed to it, he was a complete stranger, and as far as he knew the guy maybe didn't even go to his school, but he didn't had anything better to do.

"Great, follow me" he got on the bike waiting for him to do the same. Minho hopped on his bike ready to follow the strainger. They both pedaled slowly, trying to go at the same speed. Every now and then they exchanged glances, the soft wind caressing thier hair.

"I'm Jisung by the way" the other guy said turning his head towards Minho.

"I'm Minho" he replied

"What?" Jisung didn't hear him so he squeezed his eyes getting closer with his bike to hear him better.

"I said i'm Minho!" he reapeted again, louder this time.

"Got it!" Jisung yelled back.

"Where are we going?" Minho asked, Jisung shot him a smile.

"You'll see, we're almost there" he speeded getting ahead and Minho followed him. He lead him into a small wood, they got their bikes and leaving them on the leaving them at the entrance to the forest.

Jisung noticed Minho's troubled expression and his stiff body. "I didn't bring you here to kill you relax" Jisung chuckled, leading the way deeper into the woods.

"I didn't think you were" he lied, that was exactly what he was thinking. They reached a small bridge spanning a gentle water stream.

As Minho settled onto the weathered wooden planks of the bridge next to Jisung.

"Do you come here often?" he asked his body still a little tense.

"Yeah, it's a nice spot don't you think?"

"Yeah it's nice...peaceful" a comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the occasional chirp of a bird or the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

"Why'd you leave the game so early?" Jisung asked moving his body to face him.

"I was bored, why did you?"

"I was bored too, how long have you been here?" Minho still didn't get why Jisung had asked him to hang out, he didn't even know him. Minho found that both intriguing and disarming.

"Uhm i dunno, i didn't count maybe a month maybe?"

"Why did you move?"

"My dad got a new job here in the local police deparment, so we had to move" he replied

"Makes sense, is it cool?"


"Having a cop as a father" Minho srugged his shoulders.

"I guess, it sucks becuse we had to move, i was doing so well in Chicago, now i have to start all over again" he complained leaning the head on the side of the bridge.

"My father works in a factory and is an acoholic, he drinks so much that his nerves are gone, so i try to avoid him most of the time" Minho nodded not knowing how to react to that information.

"What about your mom?" Jisung face fell at the question but he brushed it off quickly

"My parents divorced so i just live with my dad"

"Makes sense"

"Do you like staying here?" Minho asked trying to mask the silence, which was slowly beginning to weigh on him.

"Meh, i've been saving to leave as soon as high school it's over"

"Leave where? To collage?" Minho asked and Jisung gave him an enthusiastic smile that reached his eyes forming small wrinkles.

"No, i wanna become a singer" he replied, and Minho couldn't help but feel curious at that statement. But he could imagine him as one.

"And how you plan to do that?" he asked with a chuckle, Jiung scrolled his shoulders.

"I don't know yet, but i'll find a way"

"Seems like a great plan"

"What do you wanna do after high school?"

"I want to get in med school, maybe move back to a big city, i really despise the suburbs" Jisung checked the time on his phone. The clock struck almost midnight.

"We should probabily get back, it's getting late" Jisung said and Minho nearly fall back from his seat.

"Fuck it's so late, my parents are gonna kill me!" he exclaimed getting up.

"We gotta run" Jisung proposed and Minho agreed starting to run towards thier bikes. Jisung lo surpassed him
"Whoever arrives last must buy the other a beer." Minho frowned confused.

"I don't even like beer!" he yelled speeding up to keep up with him. Jisung looked back and smiled "But i do" in the end Jisung won, but he didn't mention anything about the beer.

They got on their biked and rode back to their houses.

At one point Jisung stopped announcing "I'm going that way" Minho nodded "All right."

"See you tomorrow!"

"Sure" he said but Jisung was already too far away to hear him.

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