Chapter 4

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Eight years ago

Minho and Jisung were riding back home, the cool autumn breeze whipping through their hair as they pedaled down the streets. As they reached the intersection where Jisung usually turned to go to his house, Minho's stomach let out a loud growl, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"Man i'm so hungry" Minho complained rubbing his tummy.

"I've noticed, you're stomach have been growling for the past ten minutes" Minho smiled guilty

"I have to cook for myself, my mom isn't home" the brunette rolled his eyes

"What you're gonna cook?"

"Ramen, it's the only thing i can make" Minho said scrolling his shoulders. Jisung's ears perked up at the word ramen.

"Ramen, now you've made me want it too" his mouth watered as the thought of it and he didn't realize that he was actually hungry until then.

"Wanna come? i could use some help" Jiusng smiled widly

"Sure!" with renewed energy, they pedaled even faster, racing each other to see who could reach Minho's house first. They run pushing each other.

After dropping their backpacks by the door, they dashed to the kitchen, their laughter echoing through the empty house. Minho wasted no time in filling a pan with water and setting it on the stove.

"I don't remember where my mom put the ramen" Jisung casually opened one of the many kitchen drawers in search of noodles. After going trough a few and then he finlly found them, he pulled out an bag with containing at least a dozen packages.


Minho grabbed a couple of them and tore them open. Jisung hovered beside him, watching with keen interest as Minho expertly dropped the noodles into the boiling water.

"Well, here goes nothing," Minho muttered, dumping the noodles into the pot with a splash.

"Good evening i'm chef Jo Bastianich, and today we're making noodles"

"Now, I know what you're thinking - 'Isn't ramen just a cheap college staple?' Well, think again, because we're about to take it to a whole new level" he improvised trying to hold back a laugh. When he said that Jisung began to laugh uncontrollaby, so hard he kneled down. They looked at each other and just laughed.

"Got any fancy ingredients chef?" Jisung asked hopefully, scanning the shelves for culinary inspiration.

Minho shook his head with a rueful smile. "Sorry, just the basics. We'll have to make do with what we have."

Jisung shrugged, undeterred by the lack of gourmet options. "No worries. Simple is good too"

Finally, the ramen was ready. Minho carefully ladled the steaming noodles into bowls, the broth swirling with bits of vegetables and egg. They grabbed spoons and chopsticks, ready to dive into their improvised feast.

"It's not bad" Minho said looking towards Jisung for approval. He observed Jisung fill his cheeks with food and couldn't help but think that he looked like a squirrel.

Jisung nodded in agreement, his own bowl nearly empty already. "Yeah, not bad for a couple of amateur chefs," he joked.

"I cooked you didn't do anything" Minho remarked jokingly pushing his shoulder.

"I was your moral support" he replied smiling

"Yeah yeah sure"

"You know that you look like a squirrel when you eat" the black haired boy paused and shot him a confused look.

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