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She didn't reply to me but instead looked at me full of enviousness then walked closer to me. "Jude will be mine. and you'll never, ever gonna be with him" she stops then stands so close to me that i can literally smell her perfume. Not that I couldn't smell it from 5 feet away, but now that she's closer, my nose feels like it's burning.

"If i ever find out you try to get with him, you know what will happen" Are you seriously threatening me?

"He doesn't even know you exist, what are you talking about?"

"He will" She widened her eyes to me in an attempt to make me scared of her.

"Don't be too cocky about it mate" I give her a signal using my head to her back that Jude's waiting for their turn.

She turns around to Jude then waves her hand which i'm assuming she's probably smiling at him that he smiles back in return. Then she turn back to me. "You'll see" She hissed. I just reply her with my forceful smile then she made her way to Jude which i follow from behind.

She hands him a notebook and Jude immediately signs them so does Rebecca's hat.

"Uh, can you write love my name on the notebook?" I heard Rebecca speak and I can see her cheeks raising.

"Yeah, what's your name?" Jude asks her without even looking at her, but waiting for her to tell him her name.

"Um" Rebecca lets out and tries to show her name tag to Jude but he's not even looking at her. "Jude babes" She speaks and makes Jude look up to her who's showing her tag to him.

Embarrassing, I thought to myself almost laughing in front of them. I turn my head behind me to let out a little laugh and try not to laugh.

Jude tries focusing on the tag, but the letters were too small "the letters are too small, sorry. What was your name?" He asks her then she turns to me rolling her eyes. Then she looks back at him smiling "Rebecca"

Jude nodded and looked down to the notebook and wrote down her name. Carol was quiet the whole time, probably sucking up the embarrassment. They took a few selfies with him and then said thanks to him. When it's my turn, they stopped a few steps away beside the booth and looked at us.

"I didn't know you're a fan of me" he asked, then smirking to me.

"Hmm, what if i say it's for a friend?" I take out Jade's phone case that she handed to me earlier to get Jude signature.

"I don't believe you" he claimed then signed the phone case.

"Well, it is. Now I need you to wish goodluck to a friend of mine, Jade, for her final year exam" I take out my phone from my pocket then bring the camera up to him.

"Starting now" I tell him after pressing the start button.

"Hello Jade, Jude's here. All the best for your final year exam, do your best and don't stress out" He ends his wish with a thumbs up and a wave.

I ended the recording and sent it immediately to Jade.

"Are they... your friends?" He said while looking towards Rebecca and Carol who's looking at us like they're my friend waiting for me.

"no. I wouldn't say that" I tell him then put my phone back in my pocket. I turn to them and give them that look, to leave us alone. Not really alone, there's still other athletes around there after finishing meet and greet they're gathering and taking pictures with each other.

Rebecca stomps her heels then squeezes her hand into a fist and walks away angrily. Carol follows her from behind. "They're such a saddo" I blurted out.

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