part 22 (shopping)

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         *Next day *

*pooh and pavel just sitting in the library for study

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*pooh and pavel just sitting in the library for study..and suddenly *

Pavel-: hey p'tin its just 11am can we go for shopping you told me yesterday that you will take me for shopping today...

Pooh-:okay but can we go after 12pm i am reading a book just one thing go to your room and start getting ready...and when you get ready just call me i will mee you directly at car parking.."

Pavel--"ohh okay.."
*and pavel just left..*

Pooh--:okay so you are ready..?


*and that they both just left to the shopping mall.*
[In car]

Pooh--:by the way pavel what you want to purchase..?

Pavel--:ohh nothing that much just   want to buy some stationary items for assignments and some clothes.."

Pooh--:ohh but i saw so many clothes in your almirah still you want more..?

Pavel--:ohh actually some other kind of clothes.."

*pooh just got confused about pavel talks..he just looking at pavel continuously..*
Pooh-:what kind of clothes..?

Pavel--"ohh i want some undies.."

*suddenly pooh just turn his face towards him in excited look*
--"ohh seriously.."

Pavel--: why you look so excited about that..?

Pooh--:no i jus thought that i will purchase that for you you dont need to buy it yourself "


Pooh--:ohh shut up and just go.."

*Pavel just rolled up his eyes in confusion *
*and after in few minutes he just stop his car in front of a mall*
Pooh--:okay then lets go..

*pavel just first reached at the stationary shop in the mall..and start collecting all his necessary items..from the shelf..meanwhile pooh is just standing in a corner and looking at the colour palette*

*pavel saw that he is looking at colours he just went towards him*
Pavel--:ohhh i know you love painting..?

Pooh--:ohh what are you doing here..did you buy your all items..?"

Pavel--:no actually i saw that you are here are and seeing these colours palette do you like...painting this much..?

Pooh-:ohh yeahh...

Pavel--:so dont you want to buy this its looking so beautiful.."

Pooh--:actually no....not now but i used to like paintings on that i just want to leave my past...and this is biggest thing that i love on that time..but now..i am with you..i dont think that you like if i still used to like those all things.."


Pooh--:yeahh..if you buy everything than can we go to the counter..?


*and after that they both just went to counter and when pavel handover his card suddenly pooh just take away his card from him and handover his card*
Pavel--:ohhh i have money in my card i can paymyself..

Pooh--:i know but when i am with you i dont like if you pay for anything in front of me.."

*Pavel just smiled at him*
--"trying to be a gentleman..?

Pooh--: dont you think that i am right now"

Pavel--:ohh okay okay now lets go"


*and after that they just went towards the other shop*

*pavel just went towards the salesman*
--"yes can how can we help you.."

Pavel--:ohh i want undies "

--"may i know your size"

*and suddenly pooh just looking at that salesman like he want to kill him..that salesman face is start getting pale..and when pavel saw that where is he looking he noticed tha he look at pooh and pooh is also looking at him with a angry expressions*

Pavel--:ohh now..what why are you looking at this.."

Pooh--:because of his question "

Pavel--:ohh but if i dont share ny size with him then how can they give us that.."

*and after that pooh again looking at that salesman *
Pooh--:okay then listen give me 85"

Pavel --:how do you know about my size"

*pooh suddenly got silent...and looking at pavel *
--"ohhh i just guess."

Pavel--:dont you think your guessing power is so much good.."

Pooh--:ahh okay okay now just select your whatever...i am also here.."


*and after that pavel start purchasing his things meanwhile pooh just standing next to him and looking at the salesman continuously..*
--"okay p'tin i think i already purchase everything can we go.."

Pooh--:yeah sure....ohh you wants some snacks.?

Pavel--:hmm okay but i think in our uni snacks is not allowed "

Pooh--:do you really thought that this rule is for owner 's wifey also."


Pooh--:did you forget that day when i proposed you ..after that day the maid who comes in your room for cleaning is change.."

Pavel--:yeahh but why"

Pooh--:because that one is my personal one and i tell every one fir not coming for checking in your room" are really something.."

Pooh--:i know.."

Pavel--:okay then lets go for snacks now after that we will go uni direct"

Pooh--:ohh fine.."
*and after doing the whole shopping pooh pavel just went towards their car..*

Pavel--:by the way what is inside in those 2 boxes..and when did you you buy it.."

Pooh--:ahh thats not your things na just focus on your things these both are my personal boxes "

Pavel--:can i see what is inside in these..?

Pooh--:ahhh noo pleaseeee can you give me some privacy just a little bit not more.."

Pavel--:ahh fine just do whatever you want to do..i am noy going to stop you.." the way i really want to see you in your new clothes.."

Pavel--:ohh just shut up even i didn't want to but those design i dont know why you want to see me on those..even that tanktop i cant even wear that under jacket"

Pooh--:ohh then who tell you to wear that in front of everyone just wear in front of me.."

Pavel--:dont you are too much about these.."

Pooh--:obviously because you are beautiful.."


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