Chapter 15

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It'd been a week since the crew had finished there mission. There final mission. Everyone was on the beach, Milly and Mia were playing at the shore line with Jack.

Brian, Dom, Tej, Roman and Ramsey sat on the sand a few metres away on the rocks talking.

"Daddy! Come play." Mia yells to Brian

"Look at him. Look at him." Milly points out "go get him." Jack jumps up running over to Brian who picks him up throwing him into the air.

"Yeah, buddy." Brian smiles

"Duty calls." Dom says

"It does." Brian agrees

"Hey, babe, come on." Calls Mia

"Let's get Mama and Milly." Brian tells Jack standing up

"Yeah! Here we go." Brian yells swinging him as they run over to the two girls.

Everyone was smiling watching the family apart from Roman who was going on about how dark his skin gets.

"Because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done." He explains "Like, really dark."

"What you nudging me for?" He questions turning to face Tej.

"Close your mouth for two seconds.
Just open your eyes, man." Tej tells him, Roman looks at the scene in front of him, Jack runs over to Brian and he picks him up laughing.

"Beautiful." He smiles

"That's where he belongs." Letty says

"Home." Dom adds "Where he's always belonged."

"Things are gonna be different now." Roman finish's with a smile, they all turn back to the family who were laughing and playing happily. Dom stands and begins to leave.

"You aren't going to say goodbye'?" Asked Ramsey

"It's never goodbye." Dom says with a smile before walking off to his car.

Dom climbed into his car before driving off down road, he comes to a stop sign, stoping to think for a minute when a white car pulls up next to him.

"Hey." Brian's voice catches his attention "You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Dom looks over at Brian the two of them smiling at each other.

"I used to say I live my life a quarter-mile at a time And i think that's why we were brothers. Because you did, too."

Dom and Brian look at each other remembering all the memories they shared.


"This is your car." Brian smiles, as he stood behind a rusty red car that was suppose to be Dom's '10 seconds' car.

"My car?" Dom questioned a small smile on his face.


Brian and Don raced down the road, the two of them speeding in front of a train jumping over the tracks, barley missing the nose of the train.


Brian looked down at the keys in his hand and then at Dom, knowing the only chance for Dom to get away was to give him his car, Dom looked down surprised but took the keys.


"It's offical, you're all free." Hobbs says coming over to Dom, Brian, Milly, Mia and baby Jack, Brian smiles putting an arm around Milly.


"Home sweet home." Dom says to Brian as they sat in a car at a race, Brian looks at him chuckling.


"What's happening dude?" Tej asks giving Brian knuckles his Afro's bouncing around on his head.

"Thanks for he invite." Brian smiles


"After this I can come with you?" Milly asked, wiping her tears. "promise?"

Brian nodded holding out his pinky finger, "I promise, will always be together." Milly heisted before linking her finger with his.


Mia and Brian sat at the cha cha cha restaurant, the same on Vince had tried to take her too many times

"Wanna go for a drive?" Mia asked looking at Brian.


Brian and don both slam on the gas the two of them taking off down the road just like old times

whether it's a quarter-mile away or halfway across the world, you'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.

Dom and Brian share one last smile before going there seperate ways, neither saying goodbye, only see you later.

For Paul

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