Chapter 10

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"Senor O'Conner, senor O'Conner!" A nurse call running out to greet Brian and Dom, Milly and Elana running behind her.

"It's okay, you're just in time." Elana reassured running over to Brian

"You're going to be a great father, Brian." Dom tells him.

"What makes you so sure?" AskedBrian

"Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't." Dom says "Get in there."

"Go." Milly smiles at him

"Brian." Dom calls before he gets through the door, Brian turns to face him. "Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes. Our old life is done." Brian nods before running into the hospital


"What do you think of this?" Brian asks baby Jack handing him a toy. they all sat outside on a rug on the grass.

"He likes it." Milly smiles

"All right. Yes." Brian smiling reaching to grab a toy replica of his blue Nissan "Or this?" Jack takes the car from Brian, "Yes. That's my boy." He smiles

"All right, let's see how this thing flies." Milly tells Jack picking up the paper plane she had folded, "Are you watching?" The 10 year old asks. she throws the plane and it glides towards the driveway, landing in front of Dom's charger as he comes to a stop out the front.

"It's Uncle Dom." Brian tells Jack "What do you know?" He gently grabs Jacks hand making him wave

"Are you waving?" Brian asks

"What up'?" Dom asks walking over "Hey, Jack"

"What's up, Uncle Dom?" Brian says still making him wave "What's up, Uncle Dom?"

"You excited to see him?" Milly asks Jack

"Are you already pushing imports on him?" Dom asks seeing the blue toy car.

"You say, "Dad's not pushing anything." He chose that car." Brian tells Dom

"Yeah, We know he's an O'Conner, but, I brought you something, Jack." Dom holds out a toy charger, which Jack grabs "Yeah! He's also a Toretto."

"I don't know." Brian says

"Luckily, he has a couple more years to decide, right'?" Mia suggeste

"I think he decided, Mia" Dom tells her as Jack looks at the car in his hands

"I mean, Dom's already 'brainwashed' me into liking muscle cars more than imports." Milly shrugged, causing everyone to laugh.

"I think it's time for his nap." Mia says taking Jack from Brian. "Come on, baby. Okay."

"Can I help put him down?" Milly asks, Mia nods and gently places Jack into her waiting arms.

"Say bye." Milly tells Jack, waving at Dom and Brian, who wave back smiling.


"You said you were going to leave this life behind." Dom says as Mia and Milly walk back out.

"We both said that we were leaving the life behind." Brian corrects

"He's right. We're family." Mia said "If we got a problem, we deal with it together. And I'll feel safer knowing you're both out there, watching each other's backs. You're stronger together. You always were."

"Now go get Letty." Milly says "Bring her home."


"Mia?" Brian's voice answered the phone.

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