A Horrible Talk

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Piper POV
That was the worst talk I ever had. Byron was heartbroken when I told him, hurt, angry and disappointed at the same time. I wish I didn't have to do it...but I felt like he was my fate. My destiny. And I couldn't let it slip by.

Subconsciously, my mind began to replay the past break-up in excruciating detail.

I had been putting out fresh buns in the bakery, waiting for Byron to arrive. Apart from him, that was the only other thing I had on my mind.

Suddenly, the bell on the door jingled, signalling Byron's arrival. The sound was way too happy, compared to the pain I would have to go through later. Worse, the one that Byron had to.

"Hey, sweetie!" Byron wrapped me in a hug, giving me a light peck on the cheek. I flinched at the reminder—it made everything I had to go through so much worse.

Before I started, I made sure there was no one in the bakery, and out a "CLOSED" sign out front. Then I patted the seat beside me and told him, "Sit down, Byron."

"Is everything okay?" Byron asked worriedly. The care that was in his voice made me remember all the happy times we had shared together, but before I could melt into goo and forget what I was doing, I told myself to power through. So I nervously began, "Byron, this will be very hard to hear. But...recently, my feelings have changed. And while things between us are going great, I have a shot for something even better—and I don't want to miss it. So...I'm sorry, but I want to chase my destiny."

Byron let out a shocked and horrified gasp, staying silent for painful stretches of seconds. When he finally turned to me, his eyes were full of grief, anger and shock as he asked, "So, what you're saying is...you don't love me anymore?"

It took me a while to remember to nod. And when I did, Byron turned away and stalked off. But he looked back one last time, and told me, "I hope you know, you're making a horrible mistake." His eyes were heartbreakingly sad as he pushed the door open and left, and the silence stretched on for eternity.

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