The Window

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Rico POV
"What? Oh, no no no no. I'm not going to try that again. Never again. I'm not risking it," I rejected, stumbling back as if I needed space from her nonexistent form.

"Whoa, calm down, Rico. We're not forcing you into anything," Gus continued. "I'm just telling you. It's up to you whether you want to try and find a new world, or just move on knowing it could have been your destiny."

I began to hyperventilate, sweat beading on my forehead(yes, Rico is also a human here), as I thought back on the phrase, "window".

It had been coined just very recently, when I had first confessed to Gus about everything. Piper. Byron. That kiss under the rain. How I fled, hurt and dejected. I made him promise to tell me if Piper and Byron ever broke up, if that one pocket, one window of time opened for my chance to swoop in. But all that was before I had gotten over her. Now that I finally achieved the impossible, I wasn't going to plunge into the sea yet again.

"Never again," I said aloud. "I need to go for a walk to clear my head..."

"Ok then, it's your choice," Gus shrugged. But before he ended the call, he warned me, "You could be trifling with your destiny here, my friend. Maybe it's meant to be. Maybe it's not. But if you make the wrong choice, you may regret it."

Rico x Piper : Under The RainWhere stories live. Discover now