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It was morning and I didn't want to wake up. I'm a normal girl, but I do have my flaws. For example, waking up. That was the most hardest thing I could face. Yet I think numbers win, aka Math.

"Wake up!" Beth yelled into my ear. Bethe is a 7 year old little girl that can't stop being adorable. We're like sisters.

"I'm up, I'm up." I laugh, sitting down beside her. "What do you wanna do?" she asks, with a huge, yet cute smile on her face. "How about breakfast?" I suggest. "Race you!" she shouts, before sprinting out of our room.

I run after her and find her already seated at the long table, we normally eat breakfast. "I win!" she states. "Ok, ok, but I'll get you next time." I chuckle. How cute can she get.

After we ate waffles, me and Beth ran upstairs, to get ready for school. She goes to the same school I go to, just that in a different building. The building next door. Which relieves me. Why? Because if something goes on, I'm right next door.

I don't know why, but Beth makes me feel better. She's like the part that was missing. She just makes me smile. Which I would never do, if she wasn't here.

But, not just her. Natasha too. They make me smile like no other.

"The Bus is here!" Jade Russ, our Guardian yells. "Come on we're gonna miss the bus!" Beth tugs on my shirt. "I'm coming I just need to get my bag." I tell her. Once I get my bag, I picked Beth up and walked carefully downstairs, so we wouldn't fall.

We managed to reach the bus and sit down. And like always Beth sits on my lap, and Natasha by my side.

"What's up? How was your morning, madam?" Natasha teased. "It was surprisingly good, miss." I replied copying her fake British accent.

Normally our mornings would be crazy.

Mini food fights, fights, arguing cause someone took someone's strawberry, and just plain simple things. Geez...

"Anyways, did you bring gym clothes, we have gym last period."


The rest of the trip was silent. Since we almost never have anything to say. Usually.

Later on, we finally arrived at school. I leave Beth at her building and walk to my building. I meet up with Natasha and we walk in the tall Mahogany building.

Guess what are first class was?
If you guessed Math, your right.

"Class, today we are going to do a little activity."Mr.G says, as everyone groans.

"Its going to be fun, don't worry. There won't be any equations or problems to solve. We are going to do an experiment that I think a lot of you will enjoy."

Everyone started looking at eachother and curiosity filled the room.

"I am going to divide you in groups and give you a measuring tech thing, I say this, because I'm good with numbers not technology." Everyone laughs. I guess Mr.G is kinda Cool.

"Anyways, I'll give you measuring speed thing, and you will right down the numbers that appear on the mini screen on the back of it. You will measure the speed of your classmates in your group, which means there will be running involved. So there will be a leader, that I will choose for each group."

After that said, Mr.G divided us in two groups, and me and Natasha were in different groups. I was Group 1 and she was Group 2.

"Oh! Before you guys go to the track field, I forgot to tell that, the group who finishes the form first wins a special prize. Now, the leader in Group 1 is Jessica, and of Group 2 Natasha. Now Go!"

We all headed to the track field and we set the Start and End point, the same distance, to start writing down the numbers.

Leaders go last. Yes!

Phoebe was first on my team. On the other team Barney was first.

"1,2,3 Go!"

They started running and me and Natasha were on opposite sides in the middle of the start and the end point, so that once they pass, their speed will be measured at the right precision.

Once they pass I memorized the number that appeared and ran to right it down, next to Phoebe's name.

55 miles per hour.

"How many?!" I asked Natasha.

"58 miles per hour!" she exclaimed. I nodded. He was just a little faster then Phoebe. Oh well still more people.

It was finally our turn. Me and Natasha looked at eachother and smirked. The first runners were prepared to measure, we just had to wait for the signal. "GO!" I started to run and of course, Natasha did too.

As we passes the middle, we stopped at the end point and followed our teams back to the classroom where Mr.G was waiting. My team got there first. Nice!

"Nice, well Group 1 won. And the Prize is..... Drum Roll please.... A night at the movies, with popcorn and soda, and its all free!" My group started screaming, and cheering excitedly. I didn't know Mr.G was that Cool.

"But... Group 2 as the same privilege." suddenly frowns and groans turned into smiling and cheering.


My stomach was grumbling and in my mind I was screaming for a nice salad. So I quickly walked to my locker and ran outside to the little picnic table we usually sit at lunch. You're probably wondering, why not eat in the cafeteria?, well I like the fresh air. I don't know why, but yeah.

Once I started eating, I started to think about my mom, and if she would make lunches like this for me. Tears started to form, but I pushed them back.

Why would my parents abandon me?

Hope | One √Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt