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"Everyone ready?" we all nod. We were all rounded up around the fireplace. Everyone in their Pj's, just grabbing marshmallows and putting them on the kebab sticks, mom had bought. We were just, practically camping in.

"Well, I found out that I want to study journalism." Alex speaks up, breaking the silence. "Congrats!" I exclaimed. Everyone did the same... Just congratulating Alex.

"That reminds me..." my dad, speaks up and continues, "Jessica has a special university wanting to speak to her.."

Those words just made me excited, and at the moment I had many many questions, just flooding inside my brain. But I soy asked the important one...

"Which one? I sent applications to so many universities you don't even know..." I said excited. "Its the one...in... Australia..." he replies. "Which one in Australia?" I asked. There are a lot of universities there how would I know which one.

"Uh... University of Sydney..." he replies. I start to feel my heart beat faster.. So I try to calm down to ask the next question. "Any other colleges?" I smile, kinda nervous to be honest.

"Uh... Yeah... The university of Pennsylvania and The university of California..." he adds. Why didn't he tell me sooner? I asked myself mentally.

"Thank you God, for three amazing opportunities!" I exclaim, looking up and thanking God.

"So the Australians are coming here next Friday, along with the Californians, but your interview with Penn state is tomorrow at 1:30...." my dad explained. I just nodded, signaling that I was listening and understanding. "Well that's two good news..." mom speaks up.

"Want to say anything Natasha..?" I look over at Natasha, she's looking down at her marshmallow. "Uh... The only thing I have to say is... That... We're going to the dance that is being held for you..." she said softly smiling. I smiled back at her, "And that we ate going shopping tomorrow for dresses."

Mom looked up from her marshmallow. "Ooh... I want to go!" she whined, me and Natasha giggled. "Hmm...." I start to hum, fake pondering, pretending to be a mom. "Ok, but just this once.." I say strongly giggling. My mom does the same, and soon enough everyone followed.

"Weren't we going to watch christmasy movies?" Alex asked. I look over at mom and dad, who look at eachother murmuring. "Why don't we sing a few songs..." mom suggested. "Ok.." Alex said, while me and Natasha nod in agreement. "Sing, little drummer boy..." Natasha added.

"Who's going to sing it?" I ask. "Me... If that's ok..?" Natasha murmurs. We all nod and she starts to sing.

Come they told me
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
A new born King to see
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum

Our finest gifts we bring
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
To lay before the King
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
Rum, pum, pum, pum
Rum, pum, pum, pum

So to honor Him
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
When we come

Baby, Jesus
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
I am a poor boy too
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum

I have no gift to bring
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
That's fit to give a king
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
Rum, pum, pum, pum
Rum, pum, pum, pum

Shall I play for you
Pa rum, pum, pum, pum
On my drum?

And as she continued, with a voice I never knew she had, there was total silence. As if we were in a show, where silence fell upon everyone and anyone who heard the most beautiful voice. It was that kind of moment.

We all just sat there smiling and looking at eachother in amusement. It was beautiful. She should sing at the shelter, and at the senior center... On Christmas, you know to spark some Christmas love and Hope, to all the people who need to know that everything will be ok, because of the baby king that was born on Christmas.

That's when it hit me. She should do that.

But the dance is on the same day. I think to myself and my inner me, is right. But what if she sang on Christmas eve. The day before the dance. Yeah.

My thoughts were interrupted by clapping, and when I finally woke up from my thoughtful trance I realized she was done singing. So I accompanied the clapping. So I just decided to say my thoughts out loud and just see the reactions. But first important question.

"What do you want to major in?" I asked. "I want to major in veterinary work.." she says a matter - a - factly.

"Yeah, have you considered being a singer...?" I add. She giggles and so does everyone else, including me. I was joking, but I was a bit serious too.

"No, not really." I nod and smile. "Well I know that if you went to music school, they would only present unchristian songs, but if you are thinking of Singing in town i have the perfect, idea...." I pause, look at everyone and continue. "So, I thought that you should sing at the shelter, and at the senior center on Christmas. But we have the dance, so then I thought why not Christmas eve. You know, spread the Christmas love and Hope. You know what I mean?" she nods, and everyone remains in silence.

"Well, I agree with my sister." Alex breaks the silence, putting his hands up in a surrender like motion/position.

"Me two." mom speaks up. "Me three." dad adds.

"Do you agree?" I look over to Natasha, who stares back at me. She smiles and nods quickly.

"Then its settled, Christmas eve... We are going to spread Christmas Love and Hope, to the people at the shelter and at the Senior Center!" I exclaim, with a hero like voice. We all laughed and continued with our fire place round up.

P.s. Beth fell asleep, before the round up even started. (If you were wondering.)

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