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Exam started but i was wondering about them. Every single day, i had been thinking about audity, fatema & israt. Also, i have been torturing myself. I would cut my hand or slap myself.  Hall teacher waved his hand infornt of me so that i can come out of my own world.
Teacher : what are you thinking?  Are you okay?
Luisa : i- i was just wondering off. Y-yes sir, I'm okay.
Teacher : if you dont know the answer of this question, then start with something else.
Luisa : *low head* yes, sir.

After the exam :
I left hurriedly because i dont want to be pressured by them.

At home :
I fell asleep because of tiredness. I have been sleeping too much these days. I dont even understand why i feel so sleepy these days. Today was English exam. Coachings are closed of now. Sleep~~~ snore~~~~

After 4hours :
I woke and and had some snacks. I opened my phone only to find so many messages from audity and israt.

Message -

Today 4:52pm.

Audity : bestfriend, why did you left without meeting me? I was searching for you everywhere.

On the other side :

Today 4:49pm.
Israt : oi
Israt : idiot
Israt : monkey
Israt : where were youuuuu?
Israt : why did you leave without us?
Israt : reply mee.

For now, i have seen your message but from now i wont even see your messages. Reply? No way.


Seully : oi? Can you help me?

Luisa : yes? Tell me how can i help you?

Seully : can you send message to one of my friend from my account?

Luisa : huh?

Seully : i'll give you my account's number & password. You just have to send message to my friend saying "he is a cheater and the one whom you love is also cheater. I have already told you that. "  you can also see audity's message if you want.

Luisa : okay got it.

Seully : ******* and pass *****

Luisa : okay 👍.

I had entered into her account  and did what she told me to do. After that i was about to log out but audity's message popped out. I was hesitating but still clicked her I'd.
Message -

Audity : seully, me & luisa is your close friend.
Audity : please help me to gain her trust and help meeee.

Seully : okay. But what happened Between you guys? I dont even understand anything.

Audity : same. Luisa is angry with me for That Day.
Audity : i know i was wrong and i feel guilty about that.
Audity : i didnt even knew what gotten inside of me that day. I was behaving so rude with her.

Seully : i will hit you both. Luisa told me that she was upset about that. She realised her mistakes. She also said she is in pain. She crys so much.

Audity : 😯 please pray for us 🥺 i want her back. I know i was wrong.

Seully : who dont care about who was wrong and who was right. Just get back! Luisa has been cutting her hands. She said she is going to suicide sooner but not before she leaving her house. She will do it after getting admit to the hostel.

Audity : i dont want to hurt her. I was really wrong and I'm guilty about that.

Seully : you better be. I'll try to convice luisa.

Audity : thank youuuu.

Its not gonna work tho~~

It was my mistake ( Luisa X Asher) Where stories live. Discover now