★ | 12 | arcade

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★ | 12 | arcade"ooh, scary

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| 12 | arcade
"ooh, scary."

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

i wish • skee-lo
"i wish i was a little bit taller."


HEY, Hee, look.” Haewon called out quietly as he turned his head in her direction, brows raised as she gestured to two matching plushies on display. “Cute, right?”

Heeseung laughed quietly as he wandered closer to get a better look at the plushies on the shelves.

“You're joking, right?” The boy raised a brow, fingers grazing over the soft fabric of the plush as Haewon scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“What? You don't like them?” She narrowed her eyes, lips pressed together in a thin line.

“Haewon, these are hideous. I think I'd get nightmares if I let one of these things in my house.” Heeseung huffed, brows curving inward.

“You're so dramatic! They're literally so cute. You're blind.” Haewon rolled her eyes, shaking her head off to the side.

“Something is severely wrong with you.” Heeseung grimaced, his tone of voice laced with sarcasm as Haewon snickered and mocked him, nudging him softly.

“Whatever. I'll get them as matching gifts for Miyeon and I.” She sighed out, clicking her tongue as she picked out the two plushies off of the shelf.

“Woahh, replacing me already? Next thing I know, you'll be ditching me to hang out with her.” The boy complained dramatically, faking a soft sniffle.

“Oh, shut up. You have no room to talk when you hang out with Jake and the others all the time. Matter of fact, didn't you just ditch me to go hang out with Park Jongseong last week? Don't talk.” Haewon snapped back, as Heeseung grumbled underneath his breath.

Staring at each other for a moment with narrowed eyes, Heeseung sucked in a breath as he snatched one of the plushies from her arms. “Give me that.” He grumbled, as a smile spread across her face.

“I knew you'd come around.” She hummed, patting his shoulder before brushing past him to look at different shelves.

“I really hate you sometimes.” He commented, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he bit down on her, following her through the small shop.

“I feel the exact same way. Another reason we're just such a good duo.” Haewon countered happily along with an eye roll.

The boy bit back a smile at her words, scoffing playfully as he arms folded across his chest, eyes focused on the plushie he held in his hands, examining it as she continued to look through all of the stuff for sale.

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