★ | #09 | city

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★ | #09 | city"i should've brought my camera

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★ | #09 | city
"i should've brought my camera."

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

young & alive bazzi
"to have fun with my friends like
i'm young and alive."


KEEPING to their word, Lee Heeseung placed his mother's mail carefully in the safety of the backpack he brought along, before turning his attention to his friend who stood patiently beside him, who watched quietly as he slipped the backpack on with ease after zipping it up.

“Alright, are we done here?” Haewon raised a brow, tilting her head off to the side as the boy nodded his head in response.

“Mhm. We can explore the city now.” He said, a winsome smile spreading across his face as she hummed in content.

“Let's start by finding a place to eat. I'm literally starving.” The girl let out along with a sigh, arms folded over her chest as her eyes wandered around the post office they stood in.

“You should've eaten before we left.” Heeseung spoke up, his voice gentle and slightly scolding as the girl frowned and shook her head, following him as they left the post office.

“I would've, but if I did, we would've most likely missed the train here.” Haewon pointed out, as she smoothed out the fabric of the thin long sleeve she wore, as it was still a bit chilly in March — still transitioning into warm weather.

“Hm, fair enough.” Heeseung hummed, shrugging his shoulders as he brought his hand up to move a piece of his parted hair out of his eyes.

“Do you even know where you're going?” Haewon huffed out a laugh, walking alongside the boy as he nodded his head confidently.

“Yeah, don't worry. My uncle lives in Hongdae, so I come here every so often. I know my way around. At least, I think I do.” Heeseung assured, as the girl could only narrow her eyes and nod reluctantly.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” The boy breathed out, shooting her a puzzled look as she sighed and clicked her tongue.

“You’ve gotten lost in your own neighborhood. I don't know if I trust you very well to navigate a whole city.” Haewon mumbled, shrugging her shoulders as he huffed and rolled his eyes.

“Haewon, I took one wrong turn and didn't realize, so I got confused. Plus, we managed to find our way back to my house, didn't we?” He raised a brow, as the girl laughed in response.

“Yeah, sure. After two hours.”

“I’m starting to regret taking you with me.” He sighed out, grimacing as she nudged his side.

“Shut up, you would be bored without me.” The girl grumbled, eyes wandering around the tall buildings that towered over her, finding beauty without the reflection of the sky off of the glass.

Heeseung snickered, nudging her back before he focused on the path ahead of him, eyes in search of a place to stop and eat at.

“You know what?” Haewon perked up, tilting her head off to the side as he hummed in response, awaiting for her to continue.

“I'm so happy I brought my camera.” She concluded, pressing her lips together in a thin line as Heeseung tilted his head.

“Aren't you supposed to be using that to document for school purposes?” He questioned, as Haewon shrugged.

“I don't know. I mean, I guess. But, you're a student, aren't you? I could just say I was interviewing you. I could call it ‘Spending a day in the life of the soccer captain.’ or something.” She smiled cheekily.

“I have yet to understand how you haven't gotten kicked out of that club.” Heeseung sighed out, shaking his head as Haewon scoffed.

“Hey, I'm a really good member. And besides, I'll have you know that I'm good friends with the president of the club, too. I don't think I'll be getting kicked out.” Haewon defended herself, scrunching her nose up in mock annoyance.

You’re good friends with the president?” Heeseung huffed out a laugh, raising his brows in surprise.

“I'm offended that you sound so surprised.” Haewon mumbled, blinking slowly. “But, yes, we are. We got lunch together and everything.”

“Woah, Seong Haewon, I'm impressed.” Heeseung let out in approval.

“You make me sound as if I'm some loser.” The girl huffed out a laugh, looking over at her best friend who winced jokingly and narrowed his eyes.


“Lee Heeseung!”


★﹐authors corner .﹗﹑ 0.8k words
chapters are so short in this story but i'm spacing
things out as best as i can + i don't feel like writing super duper long chapters 😭

it's so time consuming and draining because i constantly put off writing them and during the process, i take so many breaks and eventually just completely forget to return back to writing it until hours or even days later.

anyway, thank you all so much for reading. means a lot <3
march 8th, 2024 — 11:36pm.
not proofread.

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