RUN (pt. 1)

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It is 5:30 in the morning, and I hear footsteps. So, I come out of my hiding place to kill the player I heard, but.., there is no one there. "What?" I think. It was pretty surprising and uncommon for me to hear a player but for them to not be there. So, in an attempt to figure out what's going on, I open the window, and see the word "RUN" In red, disappearing every now and then, so I look out the other window, hoping for something else... Same thing.

I suddenly start hearing this music, then a voice that says "Run", then a heavy metal part of the song⁰, while a weird black and red wall with the word "RUN" flickering in red. I kept running and running, untill I couldn't go any farther. I reached Door 100. I quickly did the breakers, but Figure wasn't there. Then, I went in the elevator, hoping, that this nightmare would end.

⁰: The song mentioned is called AWOLNATION - Run. It is linked below.

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