Doors X GD Part 2! (1.5K read special!!!)

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                  Previously on Dragon Ball Z!!!
Aftermath: What's in this hallw- Oh. Just a pathetic piece of ink.
Seek: Are you dumb enough to challenge me? Seek drinks 10 lbs of vitamins

Aftermath: I can easily outrun you. Grabs the roof, and swings out of Seek's reach. See? Pathetic.

Aftermath: How about.., no.

You're making me do this. Uses the ink hands to lift Seek up to the roof.
Aftermath: I can easily escape this. Kicks down the window and jumps out.

Clubstep: Magically reappears into existence at Door 100.
Figure: Hello.
Clubstep: Magically fades out of existence and reappears into existence after Figure, who lost his eye, accidentally did the breakers.

Jumps onto the elevator.
Clubstep: Fades out of existence again.

Ton 618: Drops a 618 ton weight on the room of the hotel that he is in, making him leave.

To Be Continued, on the next episode, of...

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I'll do it.

To be continued, on the next episode, of Dragon Ball Z!

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