Someone shoving a nuke up Seek's a**

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Requested by @KR_YouTube

I was chasing yet ANOTHER player when suddenly the player pulled out a nuke and ran towards me. I ran and ran away, but he used vitamins to catch up. I thought "What did I do?" When the player caught up, he grabbed me and shoved the nuke up my a**. "Vdjfsfsoffshdhndhsmnvsjsgdusbsy!!!!! The player then evilly laughed and detonated the nuke. "NOPE!!!!!!" And then the nuke exploded.

Glitch POV

I just saw Seek explode right before my eyes. I rushed him to the infirmary screaming "HELP!!! SEEK JUST EXPLODED!!!" constantly. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!!????!?!?!!" Rush yelled. I when I finally made it to the infirmary, the player started chasing me with a nuke. Seek then woke up, stepped on the players toes, and threw the player put the window. "TAKE THAT STUPID!!!!" Seek yelled.

Doors Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें