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"Aureliano, Concenta! She's trapped in the boat!"

I shook my head from left to right, my hands fisting the sheet as the voices shouted in my dreams.

"She's trapped in the boat!"

And then I saw her.

I breathed heavily, my lungs squeezes as I tired to touch her. Her body glitches as I was about to gripped her hands, it short lived into an irregular pattern which transitioned me into a thick dark scene of where her eyes were suddenly opened, blood dripping down her nose as she faded away like the rippling waves.

"No!" I shook my head as I tried to grabbed her, I wanted her to stay. Yet the waters surrounding me, forced my lips shut. I couldn't screamed, couldn't do anything but watch as her darkskin, diminishes into nothingness.


I jumped up out of the nightmare, looking around the area of my hut to see if it was apart of my dream. I couldn't help but sighed in relief when I felt the soft movement of Imali on my chest, his blue eyes on me as I tried to calmed myself down.

Glancing to my side, I stared over at the body of my woman, her eyes were closed as she slept and I fearfully pressed my ears on her chest, checking to see if she had an heart beat.

And when I felt the motion of my head going up and down from the heaving of her chest, tears fell silently down my cheeks as I held her hands.

Her hair was short and curly, her dark skin was warmed from the golden lantern and lack dirt from the bath I gave her a few hours ago. I walked my fingers from her wrist, up to her arm and across her shoulder, I glide my thumb towards the scar on her cheek, my gratefulness strong because I could have lost her.

It has been a week since I've saved her from dying. It was all thanks to the tribes prayer and Issi's medical assistance.

I tried not to think about the what if's....tried not to think about the possibility of what would have happened if her father had eventually killed her instead.

I didn't deserve her...

I held both of her hands and kissed her knuckles. My mind taking a turn in remembrance as it reminded me of the time when I was injured and she healed me, took care of my animal bite and made sure that my place was cleaned when I was deep within unconsciousness.

She was different, a woman that I wished nothing for in this life but to love.

She was determined. An independent, skillful woman who taught me a new meaning to loyalty. To love.

She was loyal to her mother, it encouraged me to forgive myself, my past and the things that my father had put me through.

I'd do anything for the sake of her happiness, kiss all of her worries away and made sure that her needs were met.

Pressing one last kiss to her knuckles, I left the comfort of the bed and pulled opened the cupboard where I kept my drawing book.

I kept this part of myself from my father when I was younger, storing away the gift that God gave me because I thought he would punish me for the little bit of normalcy that I had left.

Taking a glanced at Concenta, I grinned as Imali glided on the floors behind me as I went outside, the river flowing before me as I sat on the top of the wooden steps.

With the moon shine, reflecting its silver lights on me, I run my fingers through my hair and flipped open the old dusty drawing book that I haven't used in twenty years.

I rub my thumb on the density of the first page, a grinned curling on my lips from my first portrait sketch which was very underdeveloped. And as I flicked over ten pages, I realized just how much I've grown from the first one, up until the one that I drew when I was twenty years old.

Glancing at the current page I was on, I took in each shape and lining which carved out into the face of my mother, I wondered if she still looked the same with her dark brown eyes, tan skinned and white blonde hair which fell down to her back.

I wondered if she knew just how much I missed seeing her danced within the studio of our home, her ballet formation a work of art as she stood on her toes and twirl, her hair swaying behind her with her eyes closed while she lost herself in the music.

Her dreams of becoming a ballerina was cut short when she was just sixteen when she broke her ankle during a performance.

I think her failure pushes her to encouraged me when I felt like giving up when I was younger.

Concenta reminded me of her, both of their strengths were admirable and as I held unto the pencil, I drew a circle in the middle of the paper, my eyes focused as I transitioned with each marking while forming lines as I went along.

With each curves, shapes and highlights, the drawing reminded me of why I love. I pet my hands on Imali's frame, delving into the minutes where I was surrounded by trees and water.

Rubbing my thumb around the edges to darken the art, I licked my lips as I stared at the face of the woman, a need so thick that I wished to see her eyes, her consciousness in play.

And as if I magically drew her awake, I sucked in a deep breath as soft foot steps echoed across the floors on the porch, each thud headed towards me while I stared down at the art in my lap.


Her soft voice spoke and I clenched my eyes closed, a fear that I had, that she wasn't there.

Her lips moved with a gush of soft air on the shell of my ear as she painfully said. "Why are you not answering me."

"Are you real..."

She chuckled airily, it sent a shiver through my body as I feared to open my eyes. "Of course, I am, why don't you open your eyes and see for yourself."

I listened and craned my neck around, I swallowed thickly as I connected my gaze with her coffee irises, they were filled with sleep and a strong emotion that had both of my hands gripping her face, I squeezed her jaw and pulled her towards my face.

Our breaths rushes fastly as I whispered. "I'm sorry that I let you down."

"I'm sorry that I betrayed you.." She pressed her lips together and smiled sadly while tears sprung up into her eyes.

"You didn't betray me, I understand why you did it and personally I would have done the same thing if I was in your position."

"Just please, don't leave me again." I begged her and I know I probably sounded like a fucking pussy but this woman had the power to make me fall on my knees and surrender to her will.

"I won't, it's not like I could leave you either, it'd kill me softly and to be honest I would helplessly let it." She pressed her forehead on mine, our tears falling on our cheeks as we spoke softly underneath the moon light.

My heart pulsating softly as I thank God for brining her back into my arms.

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