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The first sign of defense was for me to slipped my knife out as my eyes scanned the two men in the cabin room.

The man with the thick curly gray-red hair, his eyes light green with glasses situated over them, his nose had a slim straight structure with freckles dusting around the area, his wide jawline had a neat thick gray red beard as tattoos ran across his muscular pale skinned frame.

Donned in a black t-shirt with sleeves that tightens around both of his biceps, black jeans pants hugged from his lower form with black combat boots completing off his looks.

A blunt was busy hanging off his lips as he widened his large thighs apart with both of his hands clasped together, black rings surrounding each fingers as he gazed at me in shock.

This man had my attention the very moment I came into the room.

I didn't expect for my father to look like this nor that reaction he gave. My father gave off a nerdy bad boy look a different kind of person that I wouldn't have thought my mom would love.

The shock look he gave me as he stared with clouds of smoke drifting from his blunt, seems as if I reminded him of someone.

I really took everything from my mother, from her eyes, skin tone, hair. Everything.

The only thing that we didn't share was the DNA that I got from this man.

Glancing to the side for a minute, I narrowed my eyes at Amerio whose hair was cut to a much lower form towards his head from its shoulder length style to a buzz cut.

His rare eyes staring at me in amusement.

"Concenta is that really you?"

I turn to the deep voice of my father, his framed transition from sitting to standing in a matter of seconds, his tall frame hovering above me as he stumbled towards where I stood. The blunt from his mouth, fell to the ground as he stagger.

"Papa?" I frowned in an undertone of mockery, one that my father missed along with Hades yet the soft scoffed from Amerio told me that he caught on.

Expect the unexpected. Why did I think that my father would have a deep scar running across his face?

He stretched a hand out to touch me but I straightened up in impulse, holding my breath as he wrapped his hands around me in a hug.

He smelt unfamiliar.

An unknown boundary that I wanted no part of knowing.

"What can an estranged father say to his one and only daughter? How are you? I love you...those words aren't enough." I patted his back weirdly as he squeezed me to his chest, I cleared my throat as he took a step back and smiled down at me.

"You can start by telling me where the fuck were you for the past twenty three years."

He looked every bit of innocent. A man who I would have had double thoughts in hurting. Yet even beyond the tattoos, the smoking and the black rings on his finger, I knew of what he'd done.

He was a dangerous person and the up fronted innocence thicken this.

Why was he happy to see me when he ruthlessly took away a mother that was the first best friend that I've ever had?

My mother was sweet and kind but was also raw, she was the very meaning of what you see is what you get.

She's the kind of person who did not pick sides, if I was wrong in doing or say something, she'd tell me to my face that I was wrong. Even if it hurts.

The truths hurts.... She'd say.

He didn't deserve to be happy, I wanted to hear his side of the story first and then I'd send him to the deepest parts of hell where he belong.

He looked taken aback by my words, he withdraw the blunt from his lips and motioned for Amerio to go.

"Bogdan we'll finish our talk later."

Bogdan brushes past me, his current name a perfect disguise seeing that they didn't realize who he actually was because he left them when he was just eighteen.

I didn't know what Amerio was doing here but I'd make sure to ask him later.

My father turned around and sat back into his seat. The door closes then and I trace my finger on the knife at the side of my shorts, watching him as he cleared his throat.

"You can have a seat sweetie."

I scoffed at the name inwardly.

"There's nothing sweet about this engagement, don't you agree father."

He sighed. "I understand where you're coming from and I know saying sorry will not fill the emptiness that my absence bring."

The emptiness that I felt wasn't because of his lack of presence in my life, it was the fact that he had the guts to ripped away my mother from me.

If he was truly a great father, any disagreements that he and my mother had three years ago he could have worked it out like a real mature man and not turned to violence and now, I wanted nothing more than to used the same knife that my mother gave me to stab him in the same sorrowful eyes that he was giving me.

Fuck his sympathy. I needed none.

"But what I'm greatful for is the fact that you decided to help me even when you didn't have to, your mother was my everything and I know she would be proud of the woman you have become as well as me."

"She was lovely wasn't she." I smiled through gritted teeth, watching as he closes his eyes behind his glasses, his jaw clenched tightly.

I kept my eyes on his neck, noticing that he had the same horizontal tatted marking that Amerio and Hades had. A sign that he was indeed from the Russian Mafia.

"She was, yet the love that I have for her will always remain."

I wanted to take this slowly, wanted to give him the upper hand for now, allowing him to think that I didn't know of his fucking murder against my mother.

The guilt was swimming behind his eyes and I couldn't wait to watch as it condenses more when I double-cross him.

"Now that I am here father, what is your plans towards Aureliano."

As I said this his gloominess fell back and in return, strictness overtook his form. He folded his ankle over the other, a smirk on his face as his curly red hair fell over his wide shoulders.

"Now that we have killed most of his men, his army, took away the life of Mato's daughter. The tribe is at it weakness, the perfect time for us to strike again but this time I want Aureliano to suffer more for what his father did to me."

I clenched my jaw as he mentioned the man that I missed.

The friendship that Halisa and I had, hurts to the core that guiltiness that I felt for stabbing her in the back, hit me so hard that it threatens tears.

"I will be keeping a meeting with the men after dinner so please, stopped by, your presence and participation will mean a lot to me."

He smiled up at me, the darkness of the night illustrating through the window behind him and as I held his eyes, my thoughts, my every will wishes to see him fall.

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