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Aureliano didn't came in last night and as I sat, rubbing my palm down on the skin of Imali, I took my time as I ate into some bread, swallowing down the pain that had numb my very system.

My knee has now transitioned into a swelling bruise that was from the fight I did last night.

All thanks to Aureliano or should I say Chief Aurelo and his ointments, I've rubbed some on each new bruises that I got and it had worked in some ways.

I didn't know why that commander helped me, or the motive behind his help. I had the expectation that he would want something in return, I was awaiting that time to come so that I could put him in his place however I was grateful that he helped me either way because I knew that I wouldn't have made it out alive out of that situation no matter how skilled of a fighter I was.

They were too strong and obviously were build to fight.

I knew convincing Aureliano would be much of a struggle now that he knew that I followed him, the commander might have told him who I was and I felt frustrated that I was nowhere closed in getting what I want to achieve...

Why is it so hard for me to get what I want? one of the reason why I took this job was because of the plans I had and now, I felt like I wasn't supposed to get it.

I closed my eyes as my mind took a turn down memory lane, my fingers ran across the old handle of the knife that was given to me by my mother, it thickens my thoughts as my heart clenches up from the sadness that lingers over my frame.

Flash back...

"You know I'm tempted to drag my suitcase back into the airport, pack all my shit and move there."

"I know right, it's so unreal." I replied to Ria's dreamlike state as I slide the screen of my camera, we both sighed at the images that I shot from our trip to New Zealand where we explored the Tasman Glacier, the snowfall dusted on the mountainous landscape was breathtaking that I almost felt the coldness from the white layers just behind the screen.

"See you on our next journey?" Ria wiggled her eyebrows and I playfully slap her arm.

"Maybe." I smirk as I walk towards the cab that was waiting for me at the curb just outside of the bustling airport.

"Girl don't play with me you know I can't travel without you!" She throw her hands up, huffing as she stood with her suitcase and backpack waiting for her mother to pick her up.

"Link me later and I'll let you know." I slid into the car, chuckling as she shouted for me to send her the pics that she didn't get to take.

I directed the driver to my house, a soft smile curling on my lips as I thought about my mom and the small gift that I had gotten for her.

The ginger haired kitten snuggled further into my lap as she shut her eyes closed in sleep. I hugged her deeper towards me, chuckling softly from the ridiculous name I knew my mom would give to her.

For the past three days I haven't heard anything from her, I know she might be busy seeing that she owned a small event planning company. Even though it was small, she still receive a lot of customers daily and I was so proud of her accomplishments because my mom didn't have the best life when growing up and her every determination towards life did not stop her from becoming successful.

Staring out through the car window, the sunset reflected a orange glow through the surface, I squinted my eyes from the light, smiling softly as the driver pulled up to my home.

I haven't been home since a year and a half and I was truly excited to see the new designs that my mom installed through out the house. The pics she sent of them were marked with the star favorite in google photos in my phone.

Paying the driver, I thank him for his service after closing the door with my hip, my eyes staring over at the one story brick house.

It was quiet that my lips curved down into a frown. I dragged my suitcase up the walkway, holding the now awaken cat close to my chest as it glances around her new environment, I went up to the front door with a soft smile, knocking against the surface.

"Mom!" I called.

A silence drifted after my call and I decided to search the flower pot for the house key, I shoved the key into the hole, twist it then walk into the warm living room.

The suitcase drop towards the ground as my body shook in fear from the scene before me.

A man stood right above the body of my mom, he was tall in height with wide shoulders. He had his hands deep into his pockets, smoke flowing from the blunt he was indulging in.

I ran over to the lifeless body of my mother, her eyes were wide open as multiple gun shot wound pierced around her neck, blood pool around her frame, it ripped my breath away that I couldn't help but wrap my hands around her cold body as sobs left me.

It wrench me.

Tears fell down my cheeks, dripping to her cold face.

"Mom.." I rock with her unresponsive body.

"Mom please...no.."

The body of the man soaks into my back as I continued to shook and I snap in anger towards him, narrowing my eyes as my tears blurred his face.

His smoke dispense across the area and I gritted my teeth.

"Who are you? and what the fuck did my mother ever did to you for you to hurt her! What? she didn't plan your wedding well so you think killing her will satisfy your fucked up soul!"

I trembled violently as he spoke while keeping his dark blue eyes on me. "Concenta Canali, daughter of Valeria Canali, your grandmother died from cancer when you were seven years old which pushes your mom to leave Mexico and migrate to Italy for a new life. You graduated last year from medical school, where you studied neuroscience. I know everything there is about you darling and I'm not the killer of your mother but rather a friend and I'm here to make a proposition for you."

I watched as a group of men walk around my house like they owned the place.

"Fuck you and your proposition."

He sighed then stretch his hands out to me, a card in between his fingers. I glared down at it to which he position it in my lap, turn on his heels and walked out of my house with his words hanging into the air as tears dripped across my skin and wetted my parted trembling lips.

"I understand what you're going through and I'm advising you to call me when you are ready to hear me out darling. Trust me, I only wish you well."

Flashback ended...

After five months of mourning the death of my mother I gave into the curiosity of the man and called him to which he introduce himself to me as Achille, my mother's best friend.

I needed to know what really happened to my mother and it seems as if he was the only person who had the answers.

He took me into the Aveni's organization, trained me vigorously into one of his best skilled assassin and when he realize that I was mentally and physically prepared for missions, he finally gave me the answer to the question that I've been asking him after two years.

Which was, who killed my mother?

Achille drop the bomb and told me that the Russians did. Why? he didn't know.

After hearing who had really killed my mother, Achille, Adam, I and the rest of his men spent every minute of our breath gathering enough information to take down the Russians.

It was hard because we didn't find much from the various sources that we went to but that was until three months ago when some of their assassin's brute force their way into the compound to wipe out our core of operation.

I thought that was what Achille called to discuss with me in his office but that wasn't the case because he assigned me on this trip to find his son who clearly had no interest in returning back to Italy.

Achille knew how much that cash meant to me, I have made it up in my mind that after finding his son and killing the Russians I would start a new life in another country and live in peace.

But my goal at the moment seemed so hard to achieve and it all boiled down to Aureliano, I just needed him to trust me enough to listen.

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