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"What's a chalice?"

I frowned as Issi passed a coconut that had a bamboo rod attached to it towards Halisa, a series of smoke was streaming out of the end of the rod.

"A handmade pipe that we use for smoking weed, this is one of the ways we do it here otherwise from rolling up a rolling paper, you wanna try." I curiously nodded and danced as the crowd surrounded us, the ground vibrated as I wrapped my mouth over the rod, took a quick inhale of the smoke and felt my body loosening up a bit.

I was not one to smoke simply because every time I take three puffs in, it was easy enough for me to get high hence I restrain myself from smoking. 

Tonight though, I wanted to have some fun. The nights air was filled with excitement as the tribe joyously ring the new year in with a music festival and to closed off this year with peacefulness, I happily welcomed the rushes with each puff of smoke, throwing my head back as I exhale it into the nights air while it worked through me. 

The effects kick in after three minutes and I found myself, singing along with the crowd, clapping and laughing freely with the troublemakers who decided to pull a clappers or a fire-crackers stunt in between the dancing people.

"Shit." I cursed as I stumbled over my feet, running behind the deranged sisters who decided to hide before they got caught.

"You guys are sick." I throw my head back and laugh as we hid behind a garbage bin. It wasn't even big enough to concealed us but we were too joyous to care.

It disrupted some parts of the crowd apart and the three of us giggled as we watch as they send some of the warriors to search for the culprits throughout the tribe.

After the commotion subsides, we stumbled back to the festivity. I haven't felt this free in a while and I took every advantage of it.

Taking in a deep breath, I motioned to the sisters that I was going to pee and they nodded and demanded me to be careful. Passing through multiple packed bodies, I released a sigh after I left the square.

A track was before me with multiple tall trees on either side so I decided to go there. As I began walking, I straightens up in alertness as I felt a presence behind me. I continued to strolled, acting as if I didn't know that I was being followed and after counting down one minute in my head, I pivot my waist around, drew a hand up and wrap it around the thick column neck of the brute.

Bending my other hand up, I used my elbow to produce force towards his chest as I push him harshly into the tree. His back connected to the tree, it shook and releases leaves over us, a loud grunt vibrated through his dark tatted chest and I tilt my chin up, connecting my eyes with dark blue amusement ones.

"You can't do that Aureliano, I could have killed you." I released him softly, quickly sobering up as he chuckled tenderly, the two deep dents in his cheeks popping underneath the silver lights of the full moon. It hit the corner of his dark blue irises, the circular structure lightening up in a power that slowly and without care took away my breath.

"I don't doubt you." He smiled then took my hand.

"Why were you following me by the way." I tried to take my hand from out of his rough palms but he didn't let me go, he only drew me closer.

"Just wanted to make sure that you were okay and was not sneaking off to see that fucker." He run his finger across the scar on my cheek softly.

I narrowed my eyes. "It's not your business if I want to see him or not, I owe you no explanation. I told you we can't be together Aureliano and I mean it. You have made it up in your mind that you choose this tribe over us and I can't fight against that."

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