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"Now I understand that Aureliano father sent you to find his son, I have always waited on this moment to happen because I honestly knew he'd do it. Yet, this meeting isn't about that."

I frowned. "What is your concern?"

"This is about Aurelo's or as you know him as Aureliano's well-being. I have watched both you and my son's behavior earlier today."

I stared at the elder who was sitting on the edge of his bed in his large golden theme hut. I bit my bottom lip, awaiting his words.

"My son is in the process of getting married, I cannot have him distracted. This is the only way for our tribe to survive. I know you have lied to me about where you have been staying for the past month, I know you have been living within the home of my son which I had notice, have had him slacking off on his duties."

"I had to take matters into my own hand, he had told me a few years ago when he was within the role of a commander that if by any chance, his father comes back, his promise to me still stands."

"I know of this Mr. Mato." I declared.

"Aureliano actions told me that he has no interest in leaving, I cannot force him to do so either because based on my observation as well he clearly respects you and consider himself a member of the Cpachie tribe, but know this..."

I stand up from the chair he had told me to sit on, Mato held firm unto the walking stick, his watch on me as Hunter sat on his shoulder.

"Achille will find me and the longer I am not back with his son, the more it will influence him to track my move and find him. This is not a warning Chief, it's just simply informing you about the persistency of the man I work with."

"We will fight, no matter what comes our way."

I hummed. "I do not know if Aureliano have told you about the person's who were behind the crash twenty years ago?"

"I have asked him once when he was the age of twenty but he refused to talk about it because it seemed to pissed him off. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I didn't pushed it further." He frowned.

So he trusted me enough to tell me...how sweet..

Fuck him!

My inner girl scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Just in case something happens and it put your people in danger, twenty years ago as you already know it, Aureliano went on a business trip to Brazil, he had a run in with some dangerous secret organized family known as the Russians which based on my knowledge have some ongoing feud with the Aveni's family, this is what stemmed the accident."

"This was one of the main reasons why Achille wanted me to come back for Aureliano, he wanted us to work together as a team to take them down. I do not know when the Russians are going to strike, I do not know if they are watching this tribe or if they know that Aureliano have made it out alive but one thing for sure is that they will stop at nothing until they kill your future chief."

Mato strong up front crumbled within seconds. I understood his feeling, he has been leading his people for one hundred years and not once had they encountered a problem as big as this.

"My original plan was to ask you to leave." Mato sighed and rub a hand down his face, his brown and gray curly hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

"But that would be cruel of me to do."

He held unto the stick, his hands shaking as it grip the head. "I teach my people to be humble and kind. I am extending this same teaching to you, you are welcome to stay in our tribe for safety. I cannot let you wander in the jungle without any form of protection when we know that the Russians."

I smiled as he pronounced the word Russian in an unfamiliar way that is of his thick accent.

"Might be around."

"I will make it my life mission to find your friend Ria as well, it's the least I can do for your honesty."

I bowed in respect as I smiled to the elder. I now understood why Aureliano would want to lay down his life for Mato, he was very deferential and kind.

"Thank you so much, I will try my best to behave." I grinned.

Mato scoffed then laughed. "Please do not inflict any heart attack on my poor tribe, they cannot manage it."

"I'll take it into consideration." I grinned then began to walk to the exit of his hut.

"Concenta, I know this is a lot to ask but we will be hosting a special event tonight in the square. I'd like you to attend, I will send my daughters Issi and Halisa to provide you with a dress, dinner and the event will commenced at seven so take the remainder of the day to walk around the tribe so that you can get familiarize with it."

"I will come." I nodded and turn on my heels to leave. As the door of the hut slid open, I squint my inflated eyes that was currently hurting me from the hit Amerio men gave to me last night.

I didn't want to think about the pain because I know in return I'd lash out so I ignored it.

Shivering as the afternoon wind pick up around the area, I slip my hands into my now ripped leather dirty jacket, my chin held high as I passed a set of tribal women who was now laughing at me.

Up ahead, I locked eyes with a certain Don, his back was position to the walls of a hut, a blunt hanging from the side of his lips while the wind twirl his white blonde hair into the atmosphere.

Amerio's hut was just on that side and to get there, I needed to pass him. The inner part of myself wanted to run away from his presence but with much encouragement, I ignored the clenched in my heart as the brown haired woman ran over towards him and gave him a hug, his stupid gaze an intense slice to my pulsating heart.

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