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"Explain to me how this is possible?" I hissed towards Mato, my father and my best friend Adam within the hut, their sudden appearance ticked me off, even more so my father.

"Son," Achille sighed, his dark blue eyes had a softness to it that I had never seen before.

It reminded me of my mother, his presence reminded me of the times where he grew me harshly, turned me into a cold blooded bastard that he wanted to lead his organization.

My first kill was when I was five years old. A five year old had no business pulling the trigger into the face of a woman.

A five year old had no business, waking up from four a.m. in the mornings, running long marathons up and down a hill that was behind the house.

I had no fucking business at five, closing my eyes as loud gunshots blew into my ears, the darkness of the room suffocating me with blood staining the walls as the sound effects of guns shots from the earphones he gave me, resounded through my head, his way of torturing me when I messed up.

Mato had a hard time grooming me into becoming a lot less hot headed when he founded me. I always thought killing was the only solution to problems that were difficult, this kind of fatherly love that I should have gotten from Achille, I got it from a man who was a stranger.

A stranger who took me in when I was meant to die, was meant to suffer from the burning flames from my father's enemies which they created for me.

"Mato is your grand father." He said and I turned to Mato who gripped my hand, his eyes going back in memory.

"Achille's mother was a tourist, during her holiday rainforest cruised in the Amazon, somewhere along her trip, she left her crew and found herself lost within the forest. Back then I was just twenty years old, the main provider for my family."

"I founded her, shivering in a cave from a wild storm. From then, I made it my point of duty to take care of her, feeding her while making sure that I hid her from my family because they strictly did not like interracial relationship nor outsiders."

"I eventually got her pregnant with Achille, we both decided that our love was forbidden and made it up in our minds to allow Achille to grow like a normal child without having to deal with the issues that would have come from my family. Achille was my first child, my first son and had always been in my heart since she took him away from me."

Mato smiled softly at me.

"That night when we heard the loud explosion from your jet, I and a few of our men went to check it out and when I saw Aureliano, it reminded me instantly of Achille and his mother. You both have the same similarities of the eyes and facial structure. I felt a pull towards you then, a need I felt to take care of you and that's how I knew deep down that you were someone I should protect and thence I couldn't give anyone else the role to lead my people because I trusted you, Aureliano."

I didn't know what to say as I heard his words. I was stunned.

"Mother loved you pop's. She never failed to remind me who my real father was and when I heard that Aureliano's jet was crashed in the Amazon jungle, I was truly hoping that you would have somehow found him just as how you founded the love of your life." My father spoke up.

"Aureliano, I know we may not have the best relation but I have tried countless times to find you, it ripped your mothers happiness away and I'm so sorry that I made you have a bad childhood, it was strictly something that I personally went through when I was younger to lead the life of a Don."

"The amount of money I had, the cars that I drove, it was never fulfilling because I lost you son, when Adam told me that Concenta was once an explorer, I hired her with a sudden expectation that she wouldn't have done it but she did."

A pain rocked through my chest as I heard her name. I missed her.

"She told me that even though she would helped, she had something that she had to do. The Russians took away the life of her mother and told me that her brother Hades asked her to find you in order to come face to face with her father. I understood why she did it so I agreed, her intention from the beginning of this mission was to get you back home and kill her father."

I straighten up as I heard this.

Why didn't she told me?

I promised her that I would stand by her side, no matter the cause.

Did she not believe me when I said this. If this, the revenge brought her happiness, I would have made sure that we both worked together and drowned ourselves in this fuckers blood so that she could be happy.

I wanted to be by her side no matter the caused, the situation, the length of time. I needed her.

"Why would the Russians kill her mother?" I asked my father who came to sit beside Mato.

My grandfather.

"Remember the Don who made tons of money from child trafficking and we had to fuck them over because of it?" Adam asked and I frowned while nodding.

"His name is Arseni Kuznetsov, Concenta's father. I am not sure as to why he would have killed Valeria but one thing I know for sure, is that it might have been out of jealousy."

"I need to find her,"

"Woah woah not like that we have to make a proper plan."

"I don't fucking care, she is some where out there fighting danger and might get herself killed...I can't, I cant live with that." I gritted in anger then stormed out of the room, ignoring them as they called me back.

I went into the square where Xanio stood before each of the warriors, training them as they sparred. I motioned for Xanio to let me speak with the men, their strictness tightening as I stood before them in anger.

Her dark coffee eyes was on my mind and I needed to find her, no matter what the fucking caused, I will roar just like the lion and ripped whoever who decided to stop me from getting her back.

I will sink my claws into the heart of a man who hurt her in any way.

My love for her is fucking evident.

Night was fast approaching and I didn't care that it drowned us with its thickness.

I was determined to get back my woman and it starts now.

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