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Humming from the warmness that has now, wrapped itself around me, an unconscious smile tilt on my lips as I held unto the covers while pulling it up under my chin to get comfortable.

That was until my very thoughts warned me off immediately and I parted my eyes open, the memories of what happened with some blue-eyed male and his white snake, had my gaze scanning the room in impulse.

I squint my eyes immediately as the sun beams from the wooden open window beside me, seeps into my face and blinded me for a moment.

I was laying down on a bed, inside the hut that I was in last night.

So it wasn't a dream then...

I bit my bottom lip as I held my breath, withdrawing the sheets from my body to see if that bastard tried anything out of bounds.

A comforting sigh left me as I realize that I was still clothed in my dirty black jeans pants, my bra and ripped dirty leather jacket and the makeshift bandage that was now poorly wrapped around my left knee.

All in all I was embarrassingly dirty.

The hut was large with the four corner walls, made of wood as well as the ground that had wood flooring, the main door was to my far right, while position south stood another door that was closed with two large windows situated on either side of it as they showed the blue skies and the hectic amount of forest trees.

A vintage large mat was placed beside the bed with a wooden long couch of some sort that was decorated with a large black fox fur blanket that covered the seat.

The couch was at the bottom of the bed as the blanket drifted off the seat, it looked so comfortable that I felt the need to drown myself it's softness.

I lift my hands above my head, easing out a yawn as I stretched to eased the tightness in my body.

Gagging from my morning breath, I quickly shuffled off the bed and wince as my knee throb from my rush movements, I needed to leave, whatever weird plans this man has with me, I'll stop it before it get to that.

Standing from the bed, I notice the knife that I had the previous night was right beside me this whole time and the thought of him once again not taking advantage of my vulnerability stunned me for a moment.

It only lasted until eventually I shrug it off.

Maybe he was just acting as if he didn't have an intention to hurt me, maybe he was just waiting on the right time to strike hence now is not the time for me to let my guard down to some strange ass man living in a hut with a snake as a pet.

Gripping the knife in my hand, I hop over to the open door while listening as the birds chirped among the trees.

I smiled softly while the river, volumes in a soothing cascade on the outside, a complete opposite to how I felt as I slipped through the open space with the knife glinting into the morning sun from my determination.

My steps faltered as I tighten my fingers around the handle.

Just before me stood a tan skin, shirtless, huge six-foot-seven male. His calves were bulky as he had his thighs widen apart. Both of his hands were stretch above his head while he held unto the open space of the wooden entrance that I fell through last night.

It was really an embarrassing fall..

Huffing, I continued to check him out, his back was broadened with muscle layers, while thick black tribal markings, immerse across his back structure.

They were difficult to read and it did nothing but intrigue me further.

His neck was wider at the base with some form of black and white beaded chain surrounding it.

What froze me where I stand was his platinum blonde hair that was the exact replica to Achille's son in the photo.

Is it...

I shook my head no.

He spin his body around towards me, his hand still gripping the frame and my breathing stop. My doubt diminishing as Aureliano Aveni stared deeply at me with a pair of dark-blue eyes.

I shivered as the morning sun rose from behind him, then over the head of trees while projecting its rays as it hits the corner of both irises which was currently drilled into mine.

Platinum long blonde hair hangs over his eyes and drops over his neck, it was messy as the morning wind, swirls his strands up into the air while throwing it in a jumbled state.

Tribal black ink markings, ran across his muscular chest to both of his knotted thick arms then down to his forearms where they beautifully finish off to the base of his wrist.

His nose flared then and there as I unconsciously took a step towards him, still in shock.

"Aureliano Aveni." I said in disbelief.

His eyebrows slowly drifted together in a frown.

This brute was Achille's son? hell no, I refuse to think so...

"I think you're clearly mistaken, darling." He said in a heavy Italian accent, low-pitch tone as his shoulders tense further as I step towards him.

He drop his hands from the frame and folded his arms across his chest while clenching his jaw in anger.

"This is mad weird, I was not expecting to find you so soon..." I frown, still in disbelief as I scan my eyes over the well and alive rightful don of the Aveni's family.

I must admit, I came on this mission with the sole purpose of not finding the man, it was after twenty years, things were bound to happen.

Yet, here, life had a funny way of doing things as once again it proved to me how anything is possible once it is spoken with faith.

Faith is standing right in front of me, in a thick muscle bound flesh and it shed a new perspective on life within me.

"I rule death, darling, of course you would have find me, it takes a lot of will for me to die. After all, the jungle is my home and I am not leaving anytime soon." He leaned his shoulder to the entrance frame, the water from the river behind him, rushes smoothly with his concentrated gaze as he tilt his head to the side.

"Your father hired me to find you Aureliano, he'll be soo happy that you're alive." I smiled excitedly, ready to convince the man of our leave but that drop as I notice the soberness of his harden facial structure.

"I have no father, the only parental guidance I know of is a tribal chief that was there twenty years ago when my life was nearly ripped away from me which was as a result from the flames of my jet. Do not tell me about the happiness of a man which I know nothing about and clearly, who didn't try harder in finding me if he had to send a clumsy woman to do the work he should be doing."

Stunned at his confession, a feeling of sorrow over took my frame from the man before me. I parted my mouth to tell him other wise when he walk around my frame, his forearm brushing against mine as he stood beside me.

I swallowed as he warned with his lips right on the skin of my forehead, they moved and I couldn't help but inhale his sensational scent.

"It's only best if you leave darling, because my mind is already made up, I no longer hold the name of the Aveni's but lives among the nature of my ancestors. Achille is too late in finding his long lost son, no? I refuse to be used as his underground puppet, do tell him that I wish him well."

As he said that, he removed his frame from my side and left, my mind in a state of confusion to the Don's behavior.

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