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Faint proximity of pine which gently interlace with lemon and fresh sensual rain water, coast overpoweringly into my nose as I inhale, my eyes fluttered open as the scent brought me out of my sleep, my heart pick up from its normal pace as my gaze connected with a unit of electric dark blue eyes.

It was the only thing that was present in the darkness surrounding me along with the sound of the crickets.

Normally in a right headed person, the first emotion they'd rely on was fear when they realize that an unsteady gaze of a person was on them, yet, I, in this situation felt completely and utterly quietude.

Years before becoming an assassin, I was always driven by fear but all of that diminish the very moment Achille took me into his organization, trained me into becoming one of his best assassin which stimulated my every behavior to confidence whether psychologically or physically.

With said air of confidence, I allowed it to overtook my frame as I shot up from my laying position, now realizing that I was not in the forest but was deeply encompassed by the warmness of a large hut, a soft glow from a lighting, glinted across the wooden walls.

His eyes drills into mine, never missing out on any of my emotion and I couldn't resist the shiver from it's intensity, it made me feel uneasy as the large male before me, lowered his face to mine, his lemon-pine, rain scent stuffed into my nostrils further as his body heat wrapped around me.

I pulled back my head quickly as I notice the white snake that was wrapped around his neck, instead of fear, I felt intrigue as the blue-eyed male stroke its head.

The dark blue-eyed male took notice of my reaction and tilt his head to the side, I could barely make out the man's remaining features and it had me narrowing my eyes at him in suspicion.

"Who-what the fuck..." I stuttered out as the thickness of his knee brush on my leg, his dark-blue eyes then unfolds into a deeper force from his fixed observance.

What I found weird was the nervousness I felt from his eyes, I never felt that before and I didn't know if I enjoyed it really, it driven me to bend my good leg up to avoid his knee from touching mine again from the highly strung feel.

I couldn't ignore the tingles that was thrumming through my system from that slight body contact and I swallowed harshly as he, the dark blue eyed man, drift his eyes down from what I did then tilt them up to hold my gaze again.

"Haven't heard such an angelic tone in so long." His guttural naturally low pitch voice rumbled from his chest in a thick Italian accent.

His snake hisses after his words, even though I was a bit intrigue about this large hulk of a man and his snake, inwardly I was slowly beginning to freak out because of the predator look his white snake was giving me.

The snake, almost as if he could detect how I felt, began to pull towards me, slowly, it's owner still watches me deeply.

Solely relying on instinct, I tap into my killing instinct that needed me to get the fuck away from this man, I accepted it by slowly pushing a hand under the pillows. I remembered placing a knife on the back waist of my pants a few days earlier so I brought my hands around my back to get it while holding this man's stare, trying to be subtle.

I wrapped my fingers around the handle, ready to yank it out when I froze, my breath stopping as his low-pitched voice said among my drive to survive.

"Don't even try that darling, it will be useless in trying to kill me, after all I saved your life. The least you could do is thank me, no?" He licked his pink lips while rubbing his hands on the side of the snake that was hissing in agreement.

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