Chapter 38

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Trickee sighed, grabbing the fussy toddler as he continued to refuse his bedtime.

"Come on, Branch! Be a big boy and go to bed!"


"Come on, nugget!"

"Don't wanna!"

"Branch, please.."

Branch puffed his cheeks and turned his head away.

Trickee sighed and layed Branch on his bed, covering him up, "Come on, nugget..please?"

Branch kicked his blanket off, "No!"

Trickee grit his teeth, becoming frustrated with the child, he picked Branch up and took him to his room, laying on his bed and laying Branch on his chest.


"No. You're mean."

"How am I being mean?"

"I want 'Baze! He's nice to me."

"How in the world am I being mean?"

Branch didn't say anything, he just gave him a look.

"Branch, you know I don't understand that."

The toddler pouted and rested his head on Trickee's chest, "See? Mean."

Trickee sighed and gently pat Branch on the back, "I'm sorry I'm mean, can you ever forgive me?"

Branch yawned, "Maybe, but not now."

He continued to pat Branch on the back, "How about, we sleep it off so your brain can see if you wanna forgive me?"

Branch hesitated but then he nodded, "Alright.." he mumbled softly.

Trickee wins.

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