Chapter 27

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He'd been up all night.

Five nights in a row.

He may or may not be seeing things.

Like the pretty fairies dancing around.

The beautiful coloured dots that would chase eachother.

He giggled as he stumbled into the kitchen, not noticing his brothers stop talking.

He stood on his tippy toes to grab a cup, normally he would drink coffee, but today feels like a juice day.

He poked his tongue out of the corner of his mouth as he stretched, "Curse my small height.." he mumbled.

He screamed when his feet left the floor and he was lifted up.

Clay laughed, holding him up, "Grab your cup, duckling!"

He pouted, "This is embarrassing.." he mumbled.

Clay raised an eyebrow, "Would you rather I grab a cup for you?"

He quickly grabbed a cup, "Next time, yes."

Clay set him down and he walked over to his fridge, walking into the door.

"Oof-! Oh! That's a lot closer then...then I..." he yawned, dropping his cup to rub his eyes.

JD instantly reacted and caught the cup, saving it from shattering on the ground.

They watched as Branch stared at his hands for a moment before looking at Clay.

"Didn't I just-? But you- what?"

Bruce glanced away from the stove, "You alright, Itsy Bitsy?"

Branch looked confused as hell.

Floyd stood up, walking in front of Branch and grabbing his cheeks, "Lemme see you, bro."

Floyd examined Branch's face carefully, eye bags, dazed eyes, not really seeing what's going on.

He snapped his fingers, "I have a theory! Branch, buddy, our duckling, when was the last time you slept?"

Branch thought for a moment and held up his fingers, "66, 62, 85, 32..."

The older four glanced at eachother.

"Five-ty nine days ago!"

Floyd put his hands on Branch's shoulders, "Branch, angel...I need you to be more clear, got it?"

Branch nodded and held up five fingers, "This m-many!"

Bruce turned off the stove and walked over, leaning down to be on Branch's height, "And why have you not slept for five days?" He asked sternly, staring at his baby brother.

Branch looked up at him with wide eyes, fiddling with his fingers, "Well...I was..umm.." he looked at the others, as if trying to find the answers.

Bruce continued to stare at him, "Branch..." he said warningly.

Based on what they've all seen, Branch acts more like a child when sleepy, and that's how they need to treat him some times.

So when Branch still didn't answer, Bruce tried a tactic that always works with his kids.

"Branch, if you don't answer me right now, you're going in time out."

JD sighed, "I doubt that's gonna-"

Branch pouted, "I had a nightmare and 'm too scared to sleep!"

Clay chuckled and stuck his tongue out at John Dory.

Floyd sighed at them, "Really guys? Branch just told us he can't sleep because he's too scared, and you're making faces at eachother?!"

Bruce ignored them, lifting Branch up, "Well, you still need sleep, and considering that you're not even trying to playfully fight your way away from me? You really need some sleep."

Branch huffed, which quickly turned into a yawn.

Bruce laughed, "Bedtime, Itsy Bitsy. I promise you're safe.."

Big brothers win.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broWhere stories live. Discover now