Chapter 35

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Clay groaned as he sat up.

Someone was in the kitchen.

He sighed, getting out of bed and leaving the room.

He peaked into the kitchen and saw Branch.

He walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He realized his mistake when he ended up on the ground flat on his back and winded.

He wheezed, staring at Branch's horrified face.

"Clay! Oh, fuck! I am so sorry, you don't even- oh fuck!"

Branch climbed on his counter and grabbed a second cup, quickly filling it with water, then he helped Clay sit up, "Here, drink this when you can.."

When Clay was breathing normally again, he grabbed the glass and took a sip, "Thanks.."

Branch rubbed his eyes, "Clay, I am so fucking sorry, I'm just sleepy and I didn't know it was you and- god...I'm so sorry.."

Clay chuckled, "It's okay, duckling, nothing to worry about...I've been through this type of thing before with Viva, I know how it goes. Lemme guess, you woke up from a nightmare, probably one of the day our band broke up, you came in here to get some water to calm yourself, you were too shaky to hear me and you freaked out when I touched you?"

Branch looked slightly shocked as he nodded, "Yeah.."

He smiled and opened his arms, "Come here, little one.."

His smile widened when Branch quickly moved into his arms and cuddled close, "See? There we go..all better, right? Big brother's right here.." he cooed.

He held Branch close, staying on the floor with him until Branch's breathing evened out.

"See? You're okay..." Clay whispered, kissing his sleeping baby brother on the forehead.

Clay wins.

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