Chapter 14

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Clay stared at the two oldest in shock.

"So, you guys couldn't put him to sleep...because he made puppy eyes at you?"

JD nodded, "Well, yes, but-"

Clay turned to Bruce, "Last I heard you had kids, so how?!"

"Well..he's just adorable, like, naturally adorable! I couldn't help it!" He said.

Clay sighed, "Fine. Then I'll do it! Branch, come over here, bud!"

Branch made sure Tiny was on the right track and told Poppy where to go, then walked over, "Yes?"

Clay leaned down a bit to get on his eye level, "You, sir, need to go to sleep."

Branch huffed, "No way."

Clay smiled and gently grabbed Branch's cheeks, "Come on, buddy! Look at you, you need some sleep!"

Branch pouted and made puppy eyes at Clay, making his voice higher in pitch and speaking in a tone you would use for babies, "Pwease...?"

Clay melted on the spot and rapidly tapped his feet in place (like Viva did-) as he let go of Branch and put his hands on his own cheeks, squishing them, "Oooooooohhh, Branch you have no idea how adorable that was!" He squealed loudly.

JD and Bruce glanced at eachother and grabbed Clay, forcing him to lay on his back as Branch went back to the front with Tiny and Poppy.

"You still with us, bro?" Bruce asked.

Clay kicked his feet, "His little face! Awwwwwww..."

JD looked at Bruce, "Do you think it's too late for him?"

Bruce thought for a moment, "It might be.."

JD sighed and shook his head, "Well, we lost a good man today.."

Bruce nodded and rested a hand on JD's shoulder.

Clay just layed on the ground smiling like an idiot and cooing over something that wasn't there anymore.

"Should we knock him out?" JD asked.

Bruce looked up, "Is there a safe way to do it?"

JD thought for a moment then shook his head, "Nope..."

They both kneeled down next to Clay who was still out of it, "Branch, look what you've done!" Bruce said.

Branch tilted his head and walked over, trusting that Poppy and Tiny will keep them on the right track.

"What?" He asked and looked down at Clay.

He frowned, "Oh. What happened to him?"

Clay heard Branch's voice and reached up, grabbing his arm and pulling him down.

Branch yelped as he fell on top of Clay, "Woah!"

Bruce and JD stared at them for a moment before laughing.

"You alright, Branch?" JD asked.

Branch huffed, "No! He won't let go! Clay, stop it, let go of me!" He whined.

Clay smiled and rubbed his back, "No way, baby bro! You're too adorable.." he cooed.

Branch wrinkled his nose, "Poppy, are we almost there?"

She nodded, "Actually yes, we're here now!"

Branch grinned, "Now he has to let me go!"

Bruce and JD looked at eachother, neither of them wanted Branch to come along but they also didn't wanna upset him.

JD sighed and leaned down, grabbing Clay from behind and holding him tight as Bruce did the same to Branch.

"1...2...3...pull!" Bruce said, pulling Branch closer as JD did the same to Clay.

Clay held onto Branch who pushed him, "Clay, let go! We gotta save Floyd! Poppy, a little help?"

Poppy hurried over and forced herself between Branch and Clay, helping Branch push Clay away as she forced his grip loose.

Soon enough both groups went backwards as Clay's grip was finally snapped off of Branch.

In the end, Branch won.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broWhere stories live. Discover now