Chapter 4

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Clay was amused.

Highly amused.

He chuckled as he watched Branch's head thump on the table for the third time in five minutes.

"Are you sure you're wide awake?" He asked.

Branch huffed at him and nodded.

Clay shook his head fondly, noticing the others finally coming back, "You guys! We have a situation!" He called.

The others calmly walked in.

Clay pointed at Branch, "Poor little guy's knocked his head on that table three times in five minutes.."

Floyd's eyes widened and he sat next to Branch, pulling him into a tight hug, "Clay!" Floyd scolded, "How could you just let him keep going like that?!"

Clay hid his smile the best he could but Floyd sighed and held Branch tighter, "I bet you found it funny, didn't you?"

Clay slightly nodded, "I don't regret anything. Look at him now!"

The brothers all looked at Branch who was now passed out in Floyd's arms.

JD and Bruce glanced at eachother, "We'll go start on dinner, make sure he's gonna be able to wake up to eat." Bruce said as he and JD walked off.

Floyd narrowed his eyes at Clay, "You, sir, are in big trouble."

Clay smirked, "Oh yeah? Need I remind you that I have the big brother strength?"

Floyd raised an eyebrow, "That stupid saying won't scare me like it used to!"

Clay laughed, "Oh yeah? Well I have another trick, a certain weakness you share with Branch..."

He watched as Floyd tried to think about what he was implying.

It seemed to click because his brothers cheeks turned bright red and his glare was much sharper, "Don't. Even. Dare."

Clay smirked, "You won't be able to do anything about it! JD's stronger then you guys and so are me and Bruce, you two are the only ticklish ones, and let's not forget just how insanely ticklish you both are!"

Floyd huffed and blew some of his hair out of his face, "Jerk..." he mumbled.

Clay smiled.

Big bros win again!

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