Chapter 12

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Branch couldn't believe this was happening.

JD shows up, tells him Floyd is in danger, then that they need the Perfect Family Harmony, and now he's sitting in Rhonda, regretting his life choices.

He sighed as he stared out the window, becoming a bit sleepy but refusing to sleep.

Never show weakness.

It's a big rule of survival.

Unfortunately, it wasn't working very well for him, his oldest brother noticed him yawn.

JD walked over and sat next to him, "Maybe you should go to sleep, be ready for the next day, you know?"

Branch huffed, "Never show weakness." He mumbled sleepily.

JD smiled, "I've seen you sleep before, Branch."

Branch stared at him.

JD nodded, "Yep, creepy, my bad. Sounded a lot better in my head."

Branch nodded.

JD sighed, "So you're just gonna stay awake all night?"

He shrugged and yawned, "Maybe...worried 'bout Flo Flo.."

JD bit his lip, "I know, buddy..but you should be well rested so you can be at your best when we save him!"

He shook his head, "Nu-uh, been waitin' for years, not gonna miss my chance."

Now JD's confused, "Bro, I have no idea what you're even talking about."

He huffed, "Years!" He nearly whined.

JD's eyes widened, he needs to be more gentle and patient then he originally planned..

"Years? Come on, buddy, use your words.." he said gently.

Branch seemed to get a bit upset that JD wasn't understanding him.

"Gone, everyone! Waited and waited, for years!"

JD paused to try and figure out what Branch was saying.

He quickly realized what was really going on.

"Buddy, are you staying awake so you can make sure I don't leave?" He asked.

'I swear if that's what's going on I'm gonna hate myself forever.' JD thought to himself.

Branch looked hesitant to answer, but then he nodded shyly, "Yeah...sorry..."

JD hugged him tight and shook his head, "No, no, don't be sorry! I'm sorry, buddy! I'm the sorry one.."

He stared at his baby, "Don't ever be sorry!"

Branch looked up at him and wiggled, "No sleep?"

JD chuckled, "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You're still going to sleep!"

Branch pouted and made puppy eyes at JD.

He tried to look away from his baby brother's face, but he couldn't.

He sighed, "Damn it.."

Branch wins this time!

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