Chapter 26

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Request by: @XxacdemiaxX hope you like how it turned out! (Literally crying while I type this so I hope it turned out okay-)

Branch sighed and stretched, he didn't sleep great last night.

Bruce looked up when he walked into the living room, "Hey, baby bro, what's up?"

"The fucking sky."

Bruce sighed fondly and shook his head, "Didn't sleep much?"


"Come here."

"I swear if you're gonna try and put me in time out again-!"

"Bro, calm down! I apologized for that, it's a habit at this point! Now come here!"

He groaned, "Fiiiiine.."

He walked over to his second oldest brother, sitting next to him on the couch.

Bruce smiled and pulled him close, hugging him tight.

He blushed a bit, "B-Bruce..? What are you d-doing...?"

"Cuddling my favorite brother of course~! Why?"

He squirmed, "Bruce, stop! I got things I need to do!"

Bruce smirked, "Well for now, you're trapped being my cuddle buddy!"

Branch sighed and went limp, "Then you can hold all my weight!"

Bruce held him with ease, lifting him so he sat on his lap, holding him closer, "Correct, I can very easily hold all of your weight."

Branch huffed, "That wasn't what I meant!"

He raised an eyebrow, "You think that's what I meant when I asked what was up?"

Branch pouted and crosses his arms, ", but-!"

"Up! Bup, bup, bup, bup! No buts from you, mister! Right to sleep!"

"But I-!"

"No buts!"

"What if-!"

"None of that!"

"Not even-?!"


"Can I just-?!"

"No, sir!"

Branch shrieked at him and kicked his feet.

He raised an eyebrow, "I hope you realize you're throwing a tantrum like a little baby."

"Can I spe-?!"


Branch screamed again.

Bruce sighed and bounced his leg as if he was trying to calm a fussy baby.

And to him?

He was.

Branch tried to bite him.

He sighed again and continued to bounce his brother, patting his back, "Okay...maybe I was over doing it when I wouldn't let you speak, but! You're gonna go to sleep now. No matter what you say."

He watched as Branch thought, then it seemed he gave up, because he went completely limp.

Bruce smiled, "Ah, my little noodle brother."

Branch scoffed but didn't say anything as he cuddled up to Bruce.

Bruce smiled now that Branch wasn't fighting him, he began to hum a quiet lullaby.

It worked like a charm.

Branch was out like a light within a minute.

Bruce wins.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broWhere stories live. Discover now