Chapter 6

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They were on their way to Vacay Island where they would all be staying for a few weeks.

As they were going through the forest, Branch yawned and looked out a window, trying to find some sunlight to keep himself awake.

He huffed when he realized the trees were blocking out most the sunlight.

Then Floyd sat next to him and he jumped a bit.

Floyd smiled, "Hello!"

Branch huffed, "It's always you just have some sort of weird sense when I get sleepy?"

Floyd chuckled and winked, "Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know..."

He pouted and Floyd laughed louder.

Clay looked over at them and smiled, "Oooooh Floyd, is your sense going off?"

Branch looked slightly betrayed as Floyd nodded, "Yep."

"Am I the only one just figuring it out now?"

JD nodded as he put Rhonda on autopilot and walked towards them, "Yep, though you were a literal baby when he used to do it so I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot."

Branch tilted his head, "Forgot what?"

Bruce smiled, "Branch, when you were a baby you would pass out anywhere, no matter where you were or what was going on. It concerned us when you would be perfectly fine and standing there, and the next you were falling backwards, as if fainting."

"Eventually we took you to the doctor because it just kept happening." Clay said.

JD nodded, "But she just told us that you were fine, it was happening because we couldn't tell how sleepy you were!"

Floyd smiled softly, "That was when I developed that sense, I watched you closer and made sure that someone was always near you, and anytime your eyes drooped the slightest bit, or your body gave the smallest jolt, I was there and holding you so you wouldn't fall over."

Clay chuckled, "It annoyed you a little bit actually!"

JD smiled, "You would be the slightest bit upset until you realized you were being cuddled!"

Bruce pat Branch on the back, "Bro, it was adorable as shit."

He pouted at the four oldest who grinned and continued sharing stories of him as a baby.

In the end, he never fell asleep which makes him the winner of this round.

Big bros vs. Sleepy Baby broWhere stories live. Discover now