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"I am NOT a toy Joel"

"You sure about that Jimmy? I mean we did that lore potion and it revealed that you were really short. Like the size of a toy short."

"Yes, Joel, I'm sure. I think I would know if I was a toy."

"Mhm. Sure. Anyway Timmy the toy, I have to go now because I have important god business to attend to. Goodbye idiot!"

"Oi!" Jimmy called out to the man who'd just flown away before sighing. He knew it was no use.

"All I want is respect from him. What's so hard about that?!" He found himself speaking aloud.

Sure, Joel may have been an 11ft tall god and all. But surely a god would know what respect is, so why couldn't he respect him?

But it wasn't only him, no. It was everyone on the goddamn server. Every last one.

Except maybe that bard? He wasn't too sure though because all he knew about him was that he mysteriously appeared one day and- stole something? He knew fWhip, before he'd been fired, had gotten him in custody in a cage in Gobland, and well. If he was locked up for stealing then he probably wouldn't be someone who respected the law. Respected him.

The sheriff walked over the board which contained everyone's name who respected the law listed on some signs. Except as he looked across the names, he started to question who actually respected the law, and who actually respected him.

Because it felt like a very small number, if a number at all. Especially because seemingly everyone played into the whole "Jimmy is a toy" joke that pissed him off so much.

fWhip was his deputy who he fired due to constant disrespect, including toy jokes. He didn't need to explain Joel with how much he pushed his buttons. Lizzie leans into the jokes. As does Scott. And Sausage. Shelby, Katherine, Pix? Joey? Gem, False? Whatever that bard is called? They all probably do. All of them.

"Everyone does!!!" He found himself yelling aloud.

He paused and covered his mouth for a second, before taking a deep breath and muttering to himself: "Calm down Jimmy. You're the sheriff. You're strong. You're fine."

He took a few more deep breaths to steady himself after his outburst, and then looked around. At least nobody seemed to be arou-

"Jimmy?" A voice sounded from behind the blonde.


He didn't need to turn around to know who it was, the voice gave it away.

"Heyy Scott!" He paused as he turned around. "What brings you here?"

"Well originally I came here to buy some gunpowder, but something seems to be up with you so..." He trailed off.

"Whattt??? No. Absolutely nothing is wrong, I'm great! Say, let's get you that gunpowder yeah?" He shuffled where he stood slightly awkwardly.

Scott crossed his arms amd sighed.

"Jimmy. You're not going to trick me that easily. I literally just heard you shouting 'Everyone does' and you think I'm letting that slide?"

"That's fair, but I assure you! Everything is completely fine! I'm fine, there's absolutely no need to worry."

"Jimmy...I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong. Obviously, I don't want to pressure you, and if you do truly insist it's fine then I'll drop it. I trust you but I'm worried for you. But if nothing is wrong, then I'm straight."


"What?! I literally gave a heartfelt speech! There is nothing to he upset at!"

Jimmy chuckled slightly. "I know. I'm not upset, just wasn't expecting that end bit, even though knowing you it makes sense. But please understand that nothing is wrong! I was yelling random phrases to warm my voice up, I'm going on a patrol later today and there's been rumours of a group of crooks lately hanging around here. If I stumble across them, or any form of law breaker, I want to be prepared to yell because I imagine I'll have to." The lie slipped out easily from his lips, as though he'd been practising lying his whole life.

"Right. If you say so, I guess it makes sense..." He sounded unconvinced. He definitely suspected something was up with Jimmy's story. But Scott was a man of his word and wasn't going to push Jimmy to talk if he didn't want to.

"Hey! How about we get your gunpowder now huh? That's what you came here for right?"

"Yeah, sure" He treaded lightly with his voice, responding with a layer of concern laced through his speech.

Jimmy didn't like it. He understood that Scott could tell something was up with his lie, but he could be less obvious about it. Maybe be a bit more enthusiastic. He's good at that, sounding enthusiastic and happy he ment. He's a very bubbly person in general and it's hard to be upset around him most the time. But now is not one of those times.

He sounds uneasy. Because of Jimmy.

It's fine! He just needed to get him his gunpowder, and he'd be good to go!

The blond led the shorter to the tnt wagon containing the gunpowder.

"Take as much as you may need. We're allies, you respect the law" He didn't let any bitterness enter his voice when he said that, and he was proud for not doing so. "And because you respect the law you get it for free! Although I think I'm nearly out so we might need to visit the farm depending on how much you need..." Jimmy was doing his best to sound...normal? Yeah that worked. But he was doing his best and surprisingly succeeding.

"No no, it's fine! I just need two stacks. There's five here in total so it's good."

"Great! Well uhm, I'd say take the nether portal, but I still need to to deal with the warden fWhip left me."

"That's fine! I can just fly home. Don't forget you're always free to come to Chromia if you ever need any dye! Or just someone to talk to."

"Will do!"

With that, Scott gave Jimmy one final, almost sad, look, and then flew off. What Jimmy failed to mention, although he was sure Scott could infer it, was that he was only referring to the dyes part of that offer.

Because right now there was only one thing he really wanted, really needed on the server. And everyone was able to provide it for him. They just weren't.

But what was so hard, about asking for a little bit, of respect.

Words: 1093

Thank you soso much for reading! This is the first chapter of the rewrite, and I hope you enjoyed it, and I also hope you enjoy all future chapters, that I both rewrite, and then continue from what was never released last time! <3

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