Chapter 10 ~ Break from Physics

Start from the beginning

And Yorimi is sitting between Sophia and Ayumu with her knees drawn up to her chest while resting her chin on them, her arms wrapped tightly around them, as well as staring intently at her screen. She has a cute chestnut red fleece onesie adorned with tiny cartoon foxes playing on top of its design, looking oh so adorable and comfy! Her dark red hair is in a twin braid style, while her chestnut red eyes glaze over as she tries to focus on the task at hand.

Yu purses her lips in concentration while clicking her mouse repeatedly in an attempt to help stimulate her brain into thinking of something to write about for their project. But nothing comes to mind; it seems like all the energy she has was spent in finishing Karin's song instead of concentrating on her homework earlier today. A heavy sigh escapes from her mouth as she rests her forehead on top of her arms, her frustration getting the better of her.

"This is hopeless..." She mutters sadly before lifting her head up slightly and glancing at Ayumu, "Get anything yet, Ayu?"

The pinkette blinks once at the sudden question before shaking her head slowly while giving Yu an apologetic smile, "Nope. Sorry, Yu-chan. I found nothing yet."

"Blasted." She grumbles tiredly as she slumps forward once again with an annoyed huff escaping from her lips.

Sophia chuckles good-naturedly at Yu's antics while giving her a sympathetic look, "Vell, nein vorries, Yu-san. I am sure ve kan kome up mitt somezzingkt. Zis iss nicht so hart after all."

"Yeah, sure. Sure." Yu grumbled as she buried her face deeper into her folded arms, feeling her head start to throb slightly in pain, "Whatever."

Ayumu sighs heavily before reaching over to pat Yu's back gently, "Come on, Yu-chan. The sooner we start on this assignment, the sooner we'll finish it."

"I know. I know." She groans loudly before pushing herself upright once more while rubbing her temple slowly as she attempts to soothe her headache, "But, ugh... this is so boring!"

"And haaaaaard~." Yorimi whined loudly while burying her face into her knees as she curled in on herself tighter, "I can't think of anything, gúnrun! This is awful!"

"Gahhhhhh!!" Yu exclaims loudly while throwing her hands up into the air in frustration before flopping onto her back dramatically as she stares up at the ceiling and sighs heavily once more, "Maybe if we watch videos on inertia, we can get inspiration from them! Yeah! That sounds good! Doesn't it!? Doesn't it!?"

"...Are you looking for an excuse to procrastinate even further, Yu-chan?" Ayumu inquires disapprovingly with a raised eyebrow directed at her friend while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Uhhhh, noooooo?" The green-tip-haired girl replies sheepishly as she glances away nervously.

Both Yorimi and Sophia giggle quietly at Yu's behavior before resuming their discussion regarding their assignment. Unfortunately, even when their physics books are open and a 30-minute worth of internet surfing later, no idea seems to come to mind, and no solution can be found for dealing with this problem.

Yu is sprawled across the floor with her face pressed against the floor, groaning miserably while mumbling incoherently under her breath. Yorimi is laying flat on her back while staring blankly at the ceiling above her. Ayumu has her back pressed against Sophia's bed while humming one of her songs in her head, her head swaying slightly from side to side as she does so. And Sophia herself is reading something entirely different than what they are supposed to be working on; it appears to be a book about aircraft.

"Hnnnnnggghhhh... Forget this!" Yu, after several moments of agonizing silence and frustration, suddenly jumps to her feet and makes her way towards the door, "I need some air! Be right back!"

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