Chapter 3 ~ The Beginning of Adventure

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Monday rolls faster than Izuku can ever imagine. It's like when he blinks, the weekend is already over and Monday comes back so suddenly. Not only that, but the sun has passed its peak and begins its slow descent to the western horizon, signaling to everyone that afternoon has come.

Which means that it is time for his departure.

"You have everything in you, my boy?" Toshinori asked beside him, donning his usual yellow suit, white dress shirt, and blue tie ensemble.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, I do." Izuku replied as he adjusted his yellow backpack to be more comfortable.

The greenette wears a fitted dark gray T-shirt that has a red design on the front; the design is an image of his Hero Costume's rabbit cowl and metal mouthpiece with the words 'Plus Ultra!!!' printed on the bottom. Over the shirt, he sports a lightweight, moss green zip-up hoodie with black details, giving him a cozy layer of warmth. The zipper is currently open, revealing his T-shirt underneath. For the lower half, Izuku opts for comfortable black jeans that offer both flexibility and style. To add an extra touch of warmth and style, Izuku wraps a soft, knitted scarf around his neck. The scarf features a mix of green and black stripes, complementing the overall color scheme of his outfit. And his signature red shoes are still on his feet, never changing since the day he started to walk on this earth.

Behind him is his black suitcase, with the handle sticking out for him to grab and wheel around easily.

Currently, both he and his mentor are standing in front of Nezu's office at the request of the mammal himself. He wanted them to meet up here so they could depart to their destination together.

And honestly? Izuku doesn't feel prepared at all.

After getting the answer to the principal's question and after what feels like an eternity of explanation and debate regarding this 'Yggdrasil Project', it all ended with the boy being absolutely stunned by its existence. Now, when you tell someone about a secret project that will enable someone to travel from an entirely different universe—and not just a universe, but an entirely different dimension altogether—the reaction you will get will vary from confusion, disbelief, and shock. They will even brand you as insane, a liar, or both, due to how absurd the claims sound.

But, considering what kind of world he lives in, the greenette really should've expected something like this to come from the genius minds of the I-Island's scientists and researchers. And the fact that Principal Nezu himself accepted the collaborations that they offered—complete with his signature—is just another proof of how real this is.

And as unbelievable as it sounds, all of this is real.

"An alternate dimension... A completely different world from ours..." The greenette mentally mused, both amazed and terrified by this project, "And to think... I-I-I will be the first person to go through it..."

Izuku, obviously, is very conflicted by all of this information that has been thrown into his face. Sure, he had seen a lot of crazy stuff since... well, since his entire life, from villains with multiple Quirks to a manmade monster who's actually a corpse with multiple Quirks from dead individuals that were transferred into it. And all of them are quite shocking in their own rights; his knowledge and understanding of reality have been pushed to the limit, even after becoming All Might's successor and getting involved in many villainous activities. But this? The notion of inter-dimensional traveling and hopping? Yeah, no. This takes the cake.

He'll be lying if he says that he doesn't have any doubts about this whole thing. Because he does have them—a lot of them. He doesn't know if it's wise for him to go along with this madness and put himself in the hands of something he doesn't fully understand. Sure, he agreed with the principal's suggestion of him taking a break from all of this stuff and enjoying himself a little bit, but if said break involves him traveling to another world entirely that's filled with possible dangers and hostile creatures he has yet to encounter? He really doesn't think so.

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