I try to push my thoughts of Tina to the back of my mind, wanting to ignore her comments, and the thought of her and Robert together. I know deep down he would probably be interested in her, most men are. I mean she is a pretty girl, there's no denying it. My heart aches even at the thought of it.. I can't help glancing around the bar to see where she is, but she never came to join us after leaving the bathroom. I keep thinking of what she said at the party, asking if he was single, thinking he was hot.. I do have a small doubt that something would have happened between them.. I mean I did disappear, leaving them at the party.. anything could have happened.. I just assumed Robert was with that girl he spent most of the party talking to.. but he could have been with Tina. I know he won't ever tell me.. if something happened.

"Jake?" I hear Robert's voice break into my thoughts.. "Smoke break?"


I quickly glance to the two of them, sitting up straight a little, confused by the fact Robert is going for a smoke!!

"Wait what.." I ask, and Robert smirks, indicating with his hands that I need to move so he can get out of the booth.. "Since when.."

"You got your bathroom girl code, us men.. have our smoking boy code.."

"Really?!" I sigh.. "Alright.. don't be long.." I pull him in by his collar for a quick kiss.

"I won't..I promise.." he gives my arm a little comforting stroke before he's disappearing out of sight with Jake.

"I didn't know he smoked?" Kate asks, when I glance over to her before she takes a sip of her drink.

"I think he does when he's out like this.. like an occasional smoker.. but not addicted or anything.."

"Right.." she smiles.. "So what about that shit with Tina then.. do you think it's true?"

"What? The fact that she wants him or he supposedly wants her or actually has had her in someway.." I repeat what Tina told us both before taking a sip of my own drink.

"Well.. both I guess.."

"I really don't think she would say anything like that if it wasn't true.. or what she wants to believe.."

"So you think something happened?"

"Who knows, I mean..she's Tina.. we all know her rep with men.. they all just seem to go for her.."

"But not Robert..the party.. he never looked our way once.. well except for when he was eyeing you up.. which obviously makes sense now.." she laughs a little.. "He was obviously crazy about you.. Tina didn't even cross his mind.."

"That's what we think.. whether something did happen between them.. I don't know.."

"If something happened between Robert and Tina.. we'd all know about it.. she would have told us as soon as it was finished.. and that would have been before she knew about you two.. so.."

"True.. she couldn't have been able to keep that one a secret.. we all knew she was interested in him.. even at the party she asked if he was single so.."

"Exactly, and I think she's pissed with you because you got there before her.. she's not used to being on the wrong side.."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right.."

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