Part 15: Searching for the Alpha

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With the scroll in paw, I start my journey. I force all thoughts of Miley out of my head, the past is just a distant memory now, and I keep telling myself that she doesn't matter. 

Eventually, I find the orange man's house. It's teensy tiny, smaller than Miley, and I get the urge to take a bite. It's nestled into the dirt of a hill, and I decide to do the unthinkable. 

I enter the house, my paw pushing against it's little door. It creaks open, unlocked. Squeezing my massive skull into the entrance, I look around. As my muscular body enters, I notice I grow smaller and smaller, and then eventually I fit entirely inside. The house is a pigsty, there are moldy bones littering the ground the way that leaves litter the pure white snow outside. I search, but I don't see Trump. Suddenly, I hear a sound behind me. My bones tingle.

"What's a small, scared bunny doing in my home?" a voice growls deeply behind me. Rage pulses beneath my fur, I start to see red. 

"Why don't you turn around, bunny? Are you too intimidated?" he says, and my patience erupts. 

Turning around at an insanely fast speed, like Usain Bolt, I flick my head over to his. I see his grey orbs up close, but there's not a soul behind them. Baring my moist and pure white teeth, I snarl at him, hot breath leaking out my mouth. 

His face is a putrid orange colour, the skin surrounding his mouth is covered in some sort of cheesy substance, and smells burnt, like it was left too long in the microwave. 

"Go on," he says to me, his teeth clenched, "Transform. I want to see your true identity."

I want to combat his response, but I feel like I'm being mind-controlled, I have to transform for him. My body convulses, and I lift up my front paws maniacally, like an evil clown juggling. My fur hardens to flesh, and my height grows taller than the Burj Khalifa. I growl at him, as a human, but I stutter when I see his eyes filled with fear.

"Obama? Is that you?" His teeth unclench for a moment, and his orbs began to water. 

I nod numbly, and then he take my hand in his. Thick, meaty sausages link with his delicate, pristine and slender fingies.  Suddenly, memories flash back to me, as if in a past life. Donald Trump, the famous 45th president of the United States of America, and my past lover. 

I close my orbs, and I try to take advantage of this moment, of being alone with him, when I hear the door open.

My head whips around, and I see a short, Taiwanese woman standing there in shock.


to be continued......

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now