Part 5: Meeting my Omega

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I search the tundra for the scent of the wolf. It's invigorating, it powers me to keep going. There's barely any animals to hunt this early in winter, so my quaking belly goes rumble rumble. I search high and low for the female wolf, the pheromones are intoxicating.

In the green bushes, I suddenly hear a sound. I peek over my bushy fur, the unique colour of the night sky under a howling moon, and I see 2 glowing orbs staring at me. In a flash, the delicate, icy blue orbs disappear from view, and the wolf runs speedily away. My alpha instincts lock in, and I chase after her. All thought flees from my mind, it's just biology taking over me. 

We engage in an epic chase scene, I catch view of her majestic fur. It's the unique colour of the pure and holy white, matching the innocent snow falling down on her. When I see her, it's like I've seen the light. The only true thing. Her head flicks back to look at me, and in that split second she stumbles, and I manage to catch up to her. 

to be continued...

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now