Part 2: Where did my Betas go?

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I was sad when I realized that my pack wasn't going to come back. I howled at the moon, but there was no moon. It was a new moon. My stomach grumbled, "i need fuel". I thought, so I ventured outside the den. Instantly the snow matted down my fur, the unique colour of the night sky under a howling moon. It dampened to the colour of the night sky beneath a waning moon. I howled. "howll".

I ventured, fast, my fur was a blur against the pure white snow. I spotted a rabbit, and my alpha instincts started to kick in. My pupils dilated, capturing all light, I focused on the target. It was a really small rabbit, I knew it would not fill my quaking belly. I slowly crept up, then pounced, much like a cat but much cooler because I am a wolf. I am Maximus the wolf, with fur the unique colour of the night sky under a howling moon. I eat the rabbit, teeth tearing into it's little body. I am an alpha, so I don't feel remorse, but I make sure to leave it's little foot as a good luck sign to any humans nearby. Speaking of humans, I think a hear a sound...

to be continued.

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now