Part 10: Healing My Omega

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"I'm married..."

Fury flurries under my fur, the unique colour of the night sky under the howling moon. Thoughts rage through my head, I can't even describe the betrayal I feel.

"Wuh-wuh-wuh-what!?!?!?" I growl, my voice box moving up and down at an indescribable rate. Miley looks hurt, but I am too alpha to care. 

"I'm so sorry my alpha, but we've barely had enough time to talk! And I think that I'm actively dying from this bullet wound," Suddenly, the lashes framing her icy blue orbs flutter, and she starts to sway. Then, she drops to the ground, which is covered with snow.  

I bark in surprise, and rush over to her. Her innocent white fur is staining with blood again, I can feel her heart rate start to slow. 

I scrounge around for sharp bones in the ground. I find a bird's spine, and I fashion a needle out of it. I pluck out one of my lustrous strands of fur, and I use that as thread. I carefully scrounge the bullet out of her flesh, and sew the wound shut. Her breath is so weak, and I hope that she doesn't die. That would be bad.

After I finish stitching her up, she doesn't move. I lay my head against her, making sure to do it as gently as possible to not crush her with my firm and muscular skull. Tiredness overtakes me, and I am about to rest when I feel her move. 

"OH MY GOD MILEY," I yell, and I try to hug her with my large wolf arms, however they are too thick with muscles that they don't fit around her. 

"Oh Maximus, you saved me!" Miley says, and she bares her teeth but in a kind way because that's how wolves show affection. Her teeth, sharp and moist, pure white matching her fur. I bare mine back at her.

"But Miley, I have one question..." 

"Yes deary?"

"Who are you married to?" 

And then Miley gulps. 

"Donald Trump,"

to be continued...

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora