Part 13:Alone in my Mind

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I scamper away from Miley, and hide deep in the depths of the scary scary woods. Her words echo through my head. Is Donald Trump really in charge of the Council? Did he make it? Just to control me? I know what I must do.

I scour the woods for any animals to feast on, and I spot a large bear, but I know it is no match for me. Entering alpha mode, I lock onto the mammal, and chase it down. I imagine that it's the face of Donald Trump as I devour it. The warm flesh fills my belly nicely, and then I know that I am ready. Turning my back on whatever life I used to have, I venture out into the world, alone, but not cold. 

I search day and night for that animal, sneaking through crevices and searching through cracks in cave walls. Though he is strong is tiny. He is only large from his ego, inflating his skin until he's a balloon, but when he's by himself he deflates into a tiny tiny animal, and he hides. After a week or so, I find a bar lodged inside a wall. I enter, as Maximus, and what I see amazes me.

Other animals, large and small, talking! The room is packed, and I have to push past animals to get to the bar. A large deer is behind it, wiping a filthy glass clean. 

"Hello, can I get a large alchohol?" I ask, and the deer nods. As I wait for my drink, my eyes scour the room. Conversations float overhead, it's weird to be in this much noise after days of silence. Then, I hear the name 'Trump'.

"Hey, are you guys talking about Donald Trump?" I ask a group of weirdly large rabbits. They glance at me in fear, so I try to deflate my muscles as much as possible, and suction my teeth into my gums a little.

"Umm, yeah, but nothing bad I promise! A-Are you on... the council?" One of the rabbits asks.

"EWWWWWW" I throw up in the rabbit's face. It's friends glare at me. "Sorry. I meant to say no. I hate Donald Trump."

The rabbits all collectively gasp.

"You can't say that outloud!" They shout.

"Why not?"

"He has eyes everywhere,"

I look around the room once more, and I see eyes staring at me. Many. More than 11. 

"Do you know where he lives?" I ask the rabbits in a quiet voice. They nod slowly. I grin.

to be continued.....

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now