Part 14: Planning the Plan

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I buy the rabbits a drink and we sit around a crowded table. There are a lot of them, their sheer body mass filling nearly a third of the bar. 

"So, what's his address?" I growl, trying to keep my voice low.

"It's not really an address per say, he lives in the scariest, deepest parts of the woods, further than-" 

I start to zone out, the rabbit's voice so loud and squeaky it was easy to tune out. Slowly, my orblids started to shut, and darkness floods my vision. Then-

"OW! Why'd you hit me?" I asked, rubbing my arm. My alpha instincts flurried slightly, I had to try hard to conceal my urge to kill the rabbit. 

"Why am I telling you this if you aren't gonna listen? Did you even sleep last night?" Wow, I think, this rabbit is acting a lot like my non-existent mother.

"How am I meant to know if I slept? I'm asleep, I'm not gonna know," Rage rises in the rabbits, and I try not to scoff at their feeble attempt to humble me. 

"You think you're strong? You think you're cool?" I say to them, and their little rabbit eyebrows furrow. "I'M THE ALPHA!" I roar at them, shaking the windows and making the table rattle.

"That's it rabbits, engage attack mode!" The leader rabbit said, and then suddenly a flurry of movement arose, clouding the bar in a cloud of dust. Then, when it cleared, I saw a monster. Hundreds of rabbits stacked upon each other, forming a mega rabbit, artificial muscles large and pulsing, teeth made out of small rabbits with mean faces and legs made out of large rabbits with fluffy fur and big feet. Fear starts to ripple through me, but I stand my ground.

"Wanna fight?!" The rabbits ask as one, the many voices squeaking into one. I nod, baring my teeth, bright and pearly white. 

We engage in an epic fight scene, lasting full minutes. The other patrons in the bar crowd around to watch, all cheering for me. After a long and strenuous battle, I come out victorious. The rabbit monster falls apart, and the leader hops up to me. 

"You've proven yourself strong, alpha, here's a scroll with all the information you need to defeat the Orange One," A scroll is pressed into my paw, and I give the rabbit a short nod before bolting out the door similar to a car. 

to be continued...

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