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Dr. Xavius paces back and forth, his face filled with impatience. Victoria, a determined African American woman in a crisp military uniform, complete with tactical gear and a headset, is seated at a computer console, her eyes scanning the screen as she tries to process the information.


(angrily)What's the status, Victoria? I need an update!

VICTORIA(hesitating)Well, sir... it seems that Hammond's group has managed to destroy our lab and is now on the move.

Dr. Xavius slams his fist on a nearby table, his frustration boiling over.DR. XAVIUS(through gritted teeth)Unbelievable!

He turns to Victoria, pointing a commanding finger at her.DR. XAVIUS(serious)I want a search party assembled and deployed immediately! We must find and apprehend Hammond's team before they do any more damage!

VICTORIA(quickly)Yes, Dr. Xavius! Right away!Victoria grabs her radio and urgently starts organizing the search party.

Victoria(into radio)All units, this is Victoria. We have an urgent mission to locate and apprehend Hammond's team. They have destroyed the lab and are currently on the loose within the park. Meet at Rally Point Alpha in five minutes for an immediate deployment!"

"Mercenary 1(shouting over radio)Copy that, Victoria! We're on our way!

Mercenary 2(echoing through the comm)Hammond's team won't know what hit 'em. Rally Point Alpha, we're coming in hot!

As Victoria coordinates the search party, Dr. Xavius watches over her shoulder, his impatience giving way to determination.


They won't get away with this.

Elsewhere on Isla Nublar, John Hammond leads his weary group through the dense jungle foliage, sweat dripping from their brows. As they run, Ian Malcolm interjects with a humorous quip, 'Why did the dinosaur break the wall? To make a dino-door!' The comment elicits stifled chuckles from Derek and Lily. Both teenagers immediately cease their laughter when Dr. Vivian, Derek's mother, shoots them a disapproving glance.

Running through the dense foliage, the group stumbles upon an enormous aviary, its structure looming ominously above them. Inside, majestic pterodactyls soar gracefully, their shadows dancing across the enclosure. 'I've never seen anything like this before,' Lily whispers in awe, her voice filled with a mix of fear and wonder.

As they catch their breath, Dr. Henry suggests urgently, 'We must seek military support to contain this threat.' The group huddles together, discussing their options and the potential dangers that lie ahead.

'There's a communication tower a few miles out,' Hammond mentions, casting a wary glance at the dense foliage surrounding them. 'Getting there won't be a walk in the park.' Dr. Vivian, her expression a mix of worry and determination, interjects, 'We need to know more about that tower, its location, anything that can help us.'