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The air was electric on that sweltering summer day in the late '90s

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The air was electric on that sweltering summer day in the late '90s. Anticipation hung heavy, a palpable hum that something momentous was on the horizon. Folks meandered through the park, drinking in every detail – the historic buildings, the ancient trees, the vibrant blooms. All eyes scanned the horizon, straining for that first glimpse of whatever magic was about to unfold. The press swarmed the area, cameras and microphones at the ready. Yet amidst the swelling crowd, the park retained an air of being the perfect, even inevitable, backdrop for this special event.

Dr. Xavius's voice boomed through the speakers, echoing off the buildings. "I come to you today with a challenge. I have a vision for Jurassic Park that will revolutionize the world. We will push the boundaries of science and technology, and our guests will be part of this great adventure. We will explore the unknown, discover the secrets of the past, and create a new future."

John Hammond stood tall, composed despite the shock clear in his eyes. He scanned the crowd, taking in the mix of awe and apprehension etched on their faces. "It is with a heavy heart that I stand here today, relinquishing my beloved park to Dr. Xavius," he began, his voice steady. "I have faith that he will use this opportunity to create something wonderful, something that will benefit us all. But I implore you all to keep in mind the dangers of this technology."

A ripple of unease ran through the crowd, and Hammond hastened to reassure them. "We will be taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the park. The park will be closely monitored by myself and a team of experts."

Dr. Henry, as his friends usually referred to him as, watched the scene unfold with growing dread. He was a man of science, of logic, and the new ownership of the park set his every instinct on edge. Tall and thin, with a sharp intellect and an eye for detail, he stood out in his neatly pressed tweed jacket and khaki pants. His dark hair was combed back, revealing a sharp face and piercing eyes that missed nothing.

As the crowd began to murmur, a familiar voice cut through the din. "Henry, is that you?" An old colleague, Dr. Vivian, pushed her way through the throng. Her eyes sparkled with warmth as she enveloped him in a hug. "It's been ages! I had to leave our last dig site early, but I've been doing some fascinating research since."

Henry's surprise gave way to delight as he hugged her back. "Vivian, it's wonderful to see you! I'd love to hear about your research." His gaze fell on the boy standing awkwardly at her side. "And you are...?"

"This is Derek, my boyfriend's son," Vivian explained, ruffling the boy's hair. "He's a huge fan of the park." Derek, a lanky teenager with a dinosaur-print shirt, looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.

Henry smiled warmly at the boy. "Well, Derek, I think you'll find Jurassic Park is like nothing you've ever seen. It's a truly unique place." Derek's eyes lit up, and for a moment, Henry forgot his misgivings about the park's new ownership.

That was when the T-Rex roared.

The sound shook the very earth beneath their feet, making the hairs on the back of Henry's neck stand on end. Derek let out a startled yelp, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and exhilaration. Even Vivian gasped, her hand instinctively reaching for her son.

But as they watched, the Tyrannosaurus Rex came into view. It was a monster, a creature of legend made flesh. Its eyes, a cold, calculating brown, scanned the crowd as it stalked towards the feeding area. Derek was entranced, his eyes glued to the predator as it moved with a grace that belied its massive size.

"Derek, don't get too close," Vivian warned, but the boy was already edging forward, his gaze fixed on the T-Rex. Henry watched anxiously as Derek approached the enclosure, his heart pounding in his chest.

The T-Rex roared again, the sound echoing off the buildings, and then it struck. In a flash of teeth and claws, it took down the goat left as bait. The crowd gasped, some screaming, as the T-Rex fed. Derek stumbled back, his eyes wide with horror, as the T-Rex raised its bloody head and seemed to meet his gaze.

For a long moment, the world held its breath. Then the T-Rex turned, its tail swishing behind it, and disappeared into its enclosure. Derek stood frozen, staring after it, as the crowd erupted into nervous applause.

Dr. Xavius stepped forward, a confident smile spreading across his face. "I'm sure you all know, the potential for this park is limitless. With my expertise, I can guarantee you only the best experience here at Jurassic Park. I am confident that I can ensure you a safe and exciting stay."

Henry raised an eyebrow, skepticism clear in his voice. "Well, that's quite a speech, Doctor."

Vivian chuckled, rolling her eyes. "A little self-promoting, maybe, but what the heck, it's a big day."

Derek, still looking shaken, rejoined them. "I'll never look at the T-Rex the same way again," he muttered, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Henry and Vivian exchanged a laugh, and some of the tension eased.

As the crowd began to disperse, Vivian turned to Henry. "Where are you staying tonight?" she asked, and at his response, her face lit up. "You should stay with us instead! We have a guest room with your name on it."

Henry gratefully accepted, and soon found himself ensconced in their cozy little bungalow. As he settled in, he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd just stepped into something much bigger than he'd anticipated.

Back at the visitor center, Dr. Xavius watched as John Hammond was escorted away by security. His expression was unreadable, but a glint in his eye suggested satisfaction. "Your services are no longer needed, Hammond," he murmured, his voice dripping with disdain.

Hammond's protests were cut off as he was dragged through a restricted access door. Xavius barely spared him a glance before turning his attention to the bank of security monitors. His eyes scanned the feeds, stopping on one labeled "Hybrid facility". A slow smile spread across his face, and he leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The screen cast an eerie glow over his face as he reached for the mouse, his eyes fixed on whatever secrets the monitor held. And in that moment, something about the man was off according to Dr. Henry.

This, he thought, is not going to end well.