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Henry, Vivian, and Derek had no idea what they were getting themselves into

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Henry, Vivian, and Derek had no idea what they were getting themselves into. They had just witnessed a herd of stegosauruses being chased away by a fleet of black helicopters. It had to be Xavius and his men. The helicopter fleet continued towards the center of the island, leaving Henry, Vivian, and Derek to speculate what they were doing.

John Hammond had been betrayed. It seemed like the perfect deal; a wealthy investor was going to buy Jurassic Park from him and turn it into a tourist destination. Little did he know that the investor was really a madman with a hidden agenda. He quickly assembled a team of his own people and started to make changes to the park.

Vivian slowly shook her head in disbelief. Why would he do this? What could he possibly gain by changing Jurassic Park and chasing away the dinosaurs? She couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness at the thought of the majestic creatures she had seen just moments before being driven away by the helicopters.

Dr. Henry: 'No, this was something else. They were looking for something.

Dr. Vivian: 'Yeah, whatever it is, it must be really valuable.

Derek: 'Let's go see what they want.

Dr. Vivian: No its too dangerous. We don't know who these guys are or what they want.

Dr. Henry: I think I know what we should do. We should go back to the Visitor's Center and find out what Xavius is doing. Maybe we can find some answers there. Vivian and Derek nodded in agreement. Vivian's car was a sleek black sedan, with tinted windows and a powerful engine. Vivian, Derek and Henry were getting into the car at their house, ready to drive to the Visitor Center. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over the landscape. As they drove, the conversation turned to the mission. They were all eager to find out what it was, but also a bit scared of what they might find.

Dr. Vivian: 'I'm not sure what we're going to find at the Visitor Center, but I'm sure it won't be good.'

Derek: 'Yeah, I just hope we don't run into any trouble.'

Dr. Henry: 'Well, whatever it is, I'm sure we can handle it. We just have to stay alert and be prepared for anything.'

Vivian slammed on the brakes, as a flock of velociraptors came barreling out of the forest in front of them. One by one, up to four raptors ran past the car. The car started to shake as the raptors ran by.

Dr. Vivian: What are they chasing? (Glancing at Henry)

Dr. Henry: (Shaking his head) They're not hunting. They are fleeing something.

Right then, their attention was quickly directed to a mysterious figure emerging from the trees. It was Project X, the hybrid creature that Xavius had been working on. He moved with such speed and agility that even the velociraptors could not keep up with him. He easily dispatched the last remaining raptor with a powerful swipe of his clawed hand.

Project X stopped in its tracks and slowly turned its attention towards Vivian's car. The hybrid creature stared at the car with its eerie yellow eyes before crouching down in a menacing posture. It was about to attack when all of a sudden, a single black helicopter flew overhead, its bright spotlight shining down on Project X. The hybrid creature froze, unsure of what to do. It seemed to be deciding whether to attack or flee.

Meanwhile, back in the control room of Jurassic Park...

Dennis Nedry was typing frantically on his computer, mumbling to himself as he worked. He had been promised a hefty sum of money from Xavius if he managed to track down Project X in the park, but so far, he had been unsuccessful. He was growing increasingly frustrated as he worked, desperate to succeed in his mission and reap the rewards promised to him by Xavius. The clock was ticking, and he knew that he was running out of time.

Dennis Nedry: "Come on, Project X, where are you? I need you now!"

"I'm never going to find you in this mess of a computer system!"

"If I don't find you soon, I'm going to have to take some drastic measures!"

Some of the nearby engineers looked up from their monitors and glared at Nedry.

Dennis Nedry: 'What are you looking at? Can't you see I'm busy?

Without saying a word all of the employees went back to their work.

Dennis Nedry had finally found what he was looking for. He had located Project X, as well as Vivian's car. The black helicopter was there too, hovering ominously in the air. Dennis knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to succeed in his mission.

Dennis Nedry: (Picks up phone and calls Xavius). Sir... I got 'em.

Dr. Xavius: 'Excellent, Dennis. I'll take care of everything from here.

Dennis Nedry: What about my reward?

Dr. Xavius: We'll be in touch (hangs up)

Dennis Nedry: Hello?! Hello? (Angry look)


The night was chilly, and the moon was bright as the only light. The black helicopter hovered ominously in the air. It was there for a reason, and that reason was Project X.

Dr. Xavius had ordered the black helicopter to capture Dr. Vivian, Derek and Henry alive. He wanted to make sure that no one witnessed the retrieval of Project X, so the helicopter was equipped with tranquilizer darts that could be fired at the car if necessary. The helicopter circled above, keeping a watchful eye on the situation below.

Dr. Xavius: I want them ALL alive. (Demanding voice).

Helicopter Pilot: Yes sir. (Turns to the gunner) Green light. Target Project X.

Helicopter Gunner: Right away, sir. (Loads the tranquilizer darts and aims the gun).

Vivian: We have to stop it. (She revs the engine of the car).

Dr. Henry: No!

Vivian: (Ignoring Henry) We have to do something!

Helicopter Gunner: (Presses the trigger on the gun) Target in sight.

Project X: (Roars loud at the helicopter)

Project X is hit by the tranquilizer dart. But before he passes out he goes berserk and charges at the car.

Derek: Look out!

Dr. Henry: Brace for impact!

Bam! Their car is flipped over upside down. Project X faints to the ground and was recaptured. Vivian, Henry and Derek are eventually pulled out of the car and taken into custody by the helicopter crew and other Xavius hired mercenaries. They are alive but have minor injuries.

Dr. Henry: Where are you taking us?

Helicopter crewman: You all are coming with us! (Guns cocked and loaded) Dr. Xavius wants to have a word with you...

JURASSIC PARK: LAST MAN STANDING (FANFICTION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang