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As Derek and Dennis were being dragged through the visitor center by Dr

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As Derek and Dennis were being dragged through the visitor center by Dr. Xavius and his mercenaries, they both knew that they were in serious trouble. Derek couldn't believe that he had been foolish enough to get caught up in all of this, while Dennis was already thinking about how he could turn this situation to his advantage. Dr. Xavius led them into a large laboratory filled with all sorts of strange equipment and machinery. He turned to face them, a sinister grin on his face.

Dr. Xavius: Welcome to my lab, gentlemen. I'm afraid you're not going anywhere.

Dennis stepped forward, trying to negotiate with the mad scientist.

Dennis Nedry: Listen, we can make a deal here. I know things that could be valuable to you.

Dr. Xavius raised an eyebrow.

Dr. Xavius: "Oh really? And what might those things be?" Dennis hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Dennis Nedry: I'm the best guy around here when it comes to computers. I can help you find what you're looking for.

Dr. Xavius considered this for a moment before shaking his head.

Dr. Xavius: I'm afraid that won't be necessary. You see, Mr. Nedry, I have other plans for you.

Before Dennis could react, two of Dr. Xavius's mercenaries grabbed him by the arms and began dragging him away.

Dennis Nedry: Wait! Dennis shouted as he struggled against their grip. What about our deal?

Dr. Xavius simply chuckled as he turned his attention back to Derek.

Dr. Xavius: Now then, young man, he said with a smile. Let's get started on our little experiment.

Derek felt a wave of fear wash over him as Dr. Xavius led him over to a small room in the corner of the lab and locked him inside. For what felt like hours, Derek sat alone in the dark room, wondering what was going to happen to him next. He could hear strange noises coming from outside the door - whirring machines, bubbling liquids - but he couldn't make sense of any of it. Finally, the door creaked open and Dr. Xavius stepped inside.

Dr. Xavius: Are you ready? he asked with a grin.

Derek didn't know what to say - or even what was happening - but he knew that he had to try and escape before it was too late...

Derek was locked in a small room in Dr. Xavius's laboratory. As Derek sat there, he began to feel a sense of panic rising inside him. He had no idea what was going on or what Dr. Xavius had planned for him, but he knew that he needed to get out of there.

Derek: I need to find a way out of here! I can't just sit here and wait. There has to be a way out!

After a few minutes of frantic searching, Derek noticed a small air vent near the ceiling of the room. Without hesitating, he climbed up and began to crawl through the narrow passage.

Derek: Now I know how a ninja turtle feels... 

As Derek made his way through the air ducts, he could hear voices and footsteps echoing through the lab below him. He knew that he had to be careful not to make any noise or attract attention. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Derek emerged from the air vent and found himself in a dimly lit hallway. He looked around cautiously, trying to get his bearings and figure out where he was. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching from around the corner. Derek quickly ducked into a nearby doorway and held his breath as two of Dr. Xavius's mercenaries walked past him. Once they were gone, Derek took a deep breath and continued down the hallway. As he turned another corner, he came face-to-face with Dr. Xavius himself.

Dr. Xavius: Well, well, Dr. Xavius said with a smirk. I see you've managed to escape from your little room.

Derek backed away slowly, trying to find an exit or a way out of the building. But Dr. Xavius was blocking his path.

Dr. Xavius: You're not going anywhere, Dr. Xavius said as he reached for something on his belt.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from behind them as one of Dr. Xavius's machines exploded in a shower of sparks and smoke. Derek used the distraction to run past Dr. Xavius and make a break for it down the hallway. But before he could get very far, he felt something hit him hard on the back of the head and everything went black... When Derek woke up again, he was lying on a cold metal table in another part of the lab. Derek was stripped down to his boxers and his arms and legs were tightly strapped to the table. His skin was slick with sweat and his chest heaved with nervous breaths. The overhead light glinted off the beads of perspiration on his forehead, and his eyes darted around the room, searching for any way out. He looked like a trapped animal, desperate to escape but unable to break free from the restraints. Despite his fear, Derek tried to keep a calm exterior, but his trembling hands betrayed his anxiety.  He tried to sit up but found that his arms and legs were strapped down tightly. Dr. Xavius stood over him with an evil grin on his face.

Dr. Xavius: Welcome back, he said. I hope you're ready for your close-up.

It all began with Derek strapped to a metal table in Dr. Xavius's laboratory. Dr. Xavius is preparing to perform some sort of experiment on him, but Derek has no idea what it could be. As Dr. Xavius approaches him with a syringe, Derek struggles against his restraints and tries to break free. But just as Dr. Xavius is about to inject him, there is a sudden commotion outside the lab. Shouts and gunfire echo through the hallway, and Dr. Xavius curses under his breath.

Dr. Xavius: Stay here, he growls at Derek before running out of the room.

Derek strains against his restraints, trying to see what's happening outside. After a few moments, he hears footsteps approaching and braces himself for the worst. But when the door bursts open, it's not Dr. Xavius or his mercenaries who enter - it's a group of armed men in military gear.

Squad Leader: Are you okay? The lead soldier asks as they rush over to untie him. Derek nods numbly as he tries to process what's happening. Who were these people? And why had they come to rescue him? As they lead him out of the lab and into the bright sunlight outside, Derek realizes that he has no idea what comes next. He's been through so much already - from surviving the dinosaur attack to being captured by Dr. Xavius - but he knows that his adventure is far from over. And so, as he steps out into the unknown future, Derek can't help but wonder what other dangers and challenges lie ahead...

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