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"i can't quite explain, maybe we're both lost"

{2016} 14years

°°°>>>>>>{2016} 14years

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I keep in a scream as i see a scary shadow staring at me, i immediately run towards my bedside and pull out his dagger ready to strike it and it immediately throws me across the room making me cry out in pain and i thank God my mum's not home and run towards it jumping on and off my bed at the same time it hurls itself at me and i immediately raise up my dagger and stab it removing the dagger instantly and roll on the floor taking in a breath, and i hear a loud clap from my favorite 16 year old boy, standing at my window,

"i was thinking of coming out of the dark and destroy that thing when i saw it hurl you across the room but when you started fighting back i couldn't help but watch " he speaks making my tummy flutter since he turned 16, he's voice has gotten wayy deeper too,

"well i told you i started using the dagger" i speak with a little smile hanging from my lips,

"it's gonna be your birthday next week i simply can't wait to give you you're gift" he speaks with a smile,

"i know it's gonna be something i'd love" i speak with a wide smile while he nods,

"you promised it'd be something special" i say in a sing-sang voice and he nods,

"it'll be rose, very special" and i smile at his words,

i know he might be smiling outside but he's insanely worried about my continual safety if i kept hanging around him, especially because of the shadows,


²⁰¹⁸ (16years)


I walk into their home scared of what was going to happen and i go into my room realizing they weren't home yet from the hospital and i quickly go up to my room, i have my much needed shower, put on my outfit and shut the door quickly pulling open the floorboard under my bed with a knife and pull out my twelve year old diary and smile, i pull out the beautiful lovely key necklace with a smile and i put it on for the first time since that night he didn't come and i wipe away my tears as more pour out and i don't know why but i feel like having my most valuable items with me right now,

i quietly pull out my dagger the exact one he gave me and put it in the pocket of my large hoodie and close up the zip and i check my back pocket and sigh out in relief as i realize my phone is still in there,

i put in my charger in my other pocket and grab my car keys from my bed and quickly pull open my door dropping the shampoo bottle of acid in front of my door,

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